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BjornFJohansson edited this page Nov 29, 2024 · 1 revision

The IUPAC nucleic acid codes are:

A --> adenosine           M --> A C (amino)
C --> cytidine            S --> G C (strong)
G --> guanine             W --> A T (weak)
T --> thymidine           B --> G T C
U --> uridine             D --> G A T
R --> G A (purine)        H --> A C T
Y --> T C (pyrimidine)    V --> G C A
K --> G T (keto)          N --> A G C T (any)
						  -  gap of indeterminate length

The IUPAC amino acid codes are:

A ALA alanine                         P PRO proline
B ASX aspartate or asparagine         Q GLN glutamine
C CYS cystine                         R ARG arginine
D ASP aspartate                       S SER serine
E GLU glutamate                       T THR threonine
F PHE phenylalanine                   U     selenocysteine
G GLY glycine                         V VAL valine
H HIS histidine                       W TRP tryptophan
I ILE isoleucine                      Y TYR tyrosine
K LYS lysine                          Z GLX glutamate or glutamine
L LEU leucine                         X     any
M MET methionine                      *     translation stop
N ASN asparagine                      -     gap of indeterminate length
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