Factory methods for creating fake data
yarn add fake-oranges
import fake from 'fake-oranges';
const { sequential, lorem } = fake.types;
const schema = {
id: sequential.offset(10).string,
title: lorem.words(),
data: {
href: (id) => `/a/b/c/${sequential.offset(10).string(i)}`,
otherData: sequential(['a', 'b', 'c']),
otherDataLooped: sequential.loop(['a', 'b', 'c'])
// Single item
const item = fake(schema).make();
// Array of items
const items = fake(schema).make(100);
// Array of a single item
const singleItemAsArray = fake(schema).make(1);
// Start at an offset:
const singleItemAsArray = fake(schema).offset(100).make(1);
All of the types available from fakerjs are
available from fake.types
Call them as functions as you normally would, they will
be lazily evaluated when you call make()
We have added the following types for convenience:
// sequential:
const example = {
id: sequential,
id2: sequential.offset(1);
idString: sequential.string;
id2String: sequential.offset(1).string,
pickAndThenNull: sequential(['a', 'b', 'c']),
pickAndThenLooped: sequential.loop(['a', 'b', 'c']),
pickStartAtB: sequential.offset(1)(['a', 'b', 'c']),
pickLoopedStartAtB: sequential.offset(1).loop(['a', 'b', 'c']),