This project implements Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning algorithms like REINFORCE and Actor-Critic with bootstrapping, baseline subtraction, and entropy regularization. The environment used is CartPole-v1. The goal is to investigate the effect of entropy on exploration and compare various configurations of the Actor-Critic algorithm to improve stability and performance
This project implements Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning algorithms, including REINFORCE and Actor-Critic with various configurations such as bootstrapping, baseline subtraction, and entropy regularization in the CartPole-v1 environment. These techniques aim to improve the stability and performance of policy gradient methods by addressing the high variance typically associated with them.
- Implement REINFORCE and Actor-Critic algorithms to solve the CartPole-v1 environment.
- Experiment with different configurations of Actor-Critic:
- Actor-Critic with bootstrapping.
- Actor-Critic with baseline subtraction.
- Actor-Critic with both bootstrapping and baseline subtraction.
- Use entropy regularization as an exploration method to balance exploration and exploitation.
- Investigate the effects of hyperparameter tuning (e.g., learning rate, discount factor) on performance.
REINFORCE: A Monte Carlo Policy Gradient method that updates the policy by considering complete episodes and their accumulated rewards.
REINFORCE Update Rule: [ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \alpha \sum_{t=0}^{T} \gamma^t G_t \nabla_{\theta} \log \pi_{\theta}(A_t | S_t) ] where ( G_t ) is the total discounted reward from time step ( t ).
- With Bootstrapping: Updates the policy using a value function (critic) to reduce variance in the policy gradient estimate.
- With Baseline Subtraction: Reduces variance further by subtracting the value function (critic) estimate from the reward.
- With Both: Combines bootstrapping and baseline subtraction for optimal performance.
The experiments are conducted with various hyperparameter configurations. Some key hyperparameters include:
- Learning Rate (α): The rate at which the model parameters are updated.
- Discount Factor (γ): Determines the importance of future rewards.
- Entropy Factor (η): Controls the strength of the entropy regularization to encourage exploration.
- Epochs: Number of training episodes.
- Batch Size: Number of episodes per gradient update.
Hyperparameter | Value Range |
Learning Rate (α) | 0.0002 - 0.004 |
Discount Factor (γ) | 0.5, 0.9 |
Entropy Factor (η) | 0.2 - 0.9 |
Batch Size (M) | 32, 64, 128 |
Bootstrapping Depth (n) | 50 to 250 |
This project is organized into several Python files, each responsible for different parts of the implementation:
: Implements the Actor-Critic algorithm with bootstrapping and baseline
: Implements the REINFORCE
: Contains experiments related to feature ablation for the CartPole
: Contains experiments related to feature sensitivity in
: Hyperparameter optimization experiments for
: Examines the impact of different parameters on CartPole
: Contains the code to run experiments, tune hyperparameters, and log the
: Contains the model architecture for the policy network and value
: Implements the Policy-Based reinforcement learning
: Used to plot the results of experiments and visualize learning curves.
- Hyperparameter Tuning: We systematically adjust learning rates, discount factors, and network architectures to determine the optimal configuration for the CartPole environment.
- Performance Metrics: The performance of each algorithm is evaluated using the average reward per episode, stability (variance), and convergence speed.
- REINFORCE: High variance and slow convergence due to the Monte Carlo method of estimating gradients.
- Actor-Critic: Improved stability with bootstrapping and baseline subtraction. These configurations significantly reduce the variance of the policy gradient estimates.
- Entropy Regularization: Helps prevent premature convergence by encouraging exploration, especially in early training phases.
- Best Performing Configuration: The combination of bootstrapping, baseline subtraction, and entropy regularization resulted in the best overall performance, demonstrating faster convergence and more stable learning.
The experiment results are plotted using Matplotlib to compare the learning curves, policy loss, and value loss over training episodes. Performance plots show the total reward per episode and the loss curves for both the policy and the value network.
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Experiments: To run all the experiments and reproduce the results:
Plot Results: The file can be used to plot the learning curves and other performance metrics for each experiment.
This project demonstrates the application of Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning algorithms, with a particular focus on the Actor-Critic method. The use of entropy regularization, bootstrapping, and baseline subtraction significantly improved the performance and stability of the agent in the CartPole environment. The combination of these techniques allowed for more stable learning and faster convergence, with annealing ε-greedy providing the best exploration-exploitation balance. The Clip-PPO and CMA-ES further improved policy updates, adding stability and robustness to the model.
- OpenAI Gym: CartPole-v1
- Deep Q-Learning (Mnih et al., 2015):
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Sutton & Barto, 2018):
- CMA-ES (Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy):
- Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO): OpenAI Spinning Up PPO