Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Subject | string | Either the speaker himself or another person (a group of people) whose opinion is shared. The subject of evaluation is not always mentioned in a text, especially when we deal with informal texts, such as forums, blogs and social network posts. | [optional] |
Evaluation | string | Implies the emotional judgment of a subject to some topic, an emotional reaction to something or the overall emotional tone of an utterance. Evaluation expresses an attitude of a subjeсt to a particular object, emotional response to something. | [optional] |
Object | string | It is something which is evaluated. Similar to the subject of evaluation, objects may not always be mentioned. | [optional] |
HeadObject | string | The main words in a phrase. | [optional] |
Degree | int? | It is used to refer to the degree of positive evaluation ranging from 1 to 5 (1-rather positivem 5 - extremely positive) and negative evaluation ranging from -1 to -5 (-1 rather negative, - 5 - extremely negative). | [optional] |
Aspect | string | It is a word or phrase that defines what characteristic of the object is evaluated. It allows users to summarize different ways of expressing the same entity in one thematic section. | [optional] |
Confidence | decimal? | It represents measure of how sure TM API Server in its conclusion. Confidence is measured on scale of 0.0 to 1.0. | [optional] |