Name | Type | Description | Notes |
NTUPeriod1 | string | A period when limitations apply | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Limit | int? | A maximum number of requests in the specified period | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Tokens | int? | A number of requests that have already been processed for operation Text parsing | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Keywords | int? | A number of requests that have already been processed for operation Keywords extraction | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Entities | int? | A number of requests that have already been processed for operation Entities extraction | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Languages | int? | A number of requests that have already been processed for operation Language detection | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Sentiments | int? | A number of requests that have already been processed for operation Sentiments analysis | [optional] |
NTUInPeriod1Facts | int? | A number of requests that have already been processed for operation Facts extraction | [optional] |