Welcome to ChuckleBox – your one-stop destination for endless laughter! Our website offers a blend of jokes and memes, with a sleek, user-friendly interface that guarantees fun with every click.
- Random Joke Generator: Instantly fetch random jokes for a good laugh.
- Meme Search: Search for memes based on keywords and get results in real-time.
- Real-Time Loading: Smooth transitions and no overwhelming API calls, preventing blacklisting.
- Cooldown Mechanism: Prevents repeated API calls, allowing users to enjoy content without interruptions.
- Tailwind CSS: Modern and responsive design framework.
- Alpine.js: Lightweight framework for dynamic interactions.
- Humor API: Fetches jokes and memes.
Check out ChuckleBox here: https://chuckle-box-ten.vercel.app/
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.