Welcome to the Classification Iris ML Apps machine learning project repository! This project focuses on classifying iris flowers into three species using machine learning techniques and providing a simple web-based application for users to interact with streamlit.
- Introduction
- Why This Project
- Dataset
- Features
- Setup and Installation
- Demo
- Contributing
- Challenges Faced
- Lessons Learned
- License
- Contact
This repository contains a machine learning project focused on classifying iris flowers into three species using various machine learning algorithms and providing a user-friendly web application for predictions and insights.
The primary motivation behind creating this project is to demonstrate the process of building a machine-learning model for classification tasks and to provide an educational tool for those interested in learning about machine learning and web application development.
The dataset used for this project is the famous Iris dataset, which contains 150 samples of iris flowers with four features: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. Each sample is classified into one of three species: Setosa, Versicolor, and Virginica.
- Data Preprocessing: Cleaning and transforming the dataset for model compatibility.
- Model Development: Training and evaluating multiple machine learning models for classification.
- Deployment: Developing a simple web-based application for users to input flower measurements and obtain species predictions.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Md-Emon-Hasan/6-Classification-Iris-ML-Apps.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd 6-Classification-Iris-ML-Apps
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the web application:
python app.py
Open your web browser and go to
to interact with the app.
Explore the live demo of the project here.
Contributions to enhance or expand the project are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature/new-feature
Make your changes:
- Implement new features, improve model performance, or enhance user interface.
Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add a new feature or update'
Push to the branch:
git push origin feature/new-feature
Submit a pull request.
During the development of this project, the following challenges were encountered:
- Handling data preprocessing and feature engineering.
- Selecting the most appropriate machine learning algorithms for classification.
- Developing an intuitive and responsive web application interface.
Key lessons learned from this project include:
- Practical application of classification algorithms in machine learning.
- Importance of feature selection and engineering in classification tasks.
- Deployment and usability considerations for interactive web applications.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Email: iconicemon01@gmail.com
- WhatsApp: +8801834363533
- GitHub: Md-Emon-Hasan
- LinkedIn: Md Emon Hasan
- Facebook: Md Emon Hasan
Feel free to reach out for any questions or feedback regarding the project!
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