Port of the original Pascal VOC 2012 multilabel classification caffemodel to pytorch
from pascal_voc_pytorch.prediction_pipeline import PascalVOCPredictionPipeline
P = PascalVOCPredictionPipeline(
checkpoint = 'checkpoints/model.pt',
device = 'cuda'
Running inference directly from image files:
results = P.predict_from_filename(
filename = 'images/horse.jpg',
topk = 3 ## returns top 3 classes
would look something like:
'classnames': ['horse', 'person', 'cat'],
'logits': [8.260506629943848, -3.8401999473571777, -5.0498270988464355]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize = (10 , 5))
ax[0].imshow(plt.imread('images/horse.jpg')), ax[0].axis('off')
ax[1].bar(results['classnames'] ,results['logits'])