This project is a small IoT device that is able to change the state of a smart home lamp over the internet with an IoT application provider such as IFTTT.
- Arduino Uno
- NodeMCU ESP8266-12E
- 16x2 LCD Display
- Breadboard
- 2 x buttons
- 2 x 220ohm resistors
- 4 x female to male jumper wires
- ~30 x male to male jumper wires
After connecting all components correctly, the two .ino files need to be uploaded to the arduino (arduino.ino) and the esp(wifi_programmer.ino) respectively.
The ESP module needs further setup of your IDE as described in this tutorial ->
You also have to enter your wifi name and password and the correct HTTP endpoint to trigger the smart lamps
Since we controll the LCD display with this application, we also need to add the LiquidCristal library as explained here ->