(c) Paul Alan Freshney 2019-2024
FSU is a powerful console-based folder/drive analysis tool for creating highly detailed reports on the composition of any folder/drive/network storage/etc.
It can generate CSV, JSON, XML, Text, Tree, and summary reports.
The no DB version doesn't require the sqlite3.dll and is missing all Xinorbis-related functionality (this will now be the default and recommended version).
For the DB version:
The included sqlite3.dll and sqlite3.lib files are x64 versions. They can only be used to compile the 64-bit version.
32-bit sqlite3.dll and sqlite3.def (for building the .lib) files can be found on the official sqlite site: http://sqlite.org
This was originally a Delphi application, released as part of the Xinorbis toolset, called XCom, it was renamed X.Robot many years ago, and received a C++ rewrite in 2019.
In 2022 I decided to rename it and add it to my pool of applications receiving regular updates (two applications now, so maybe a puddle, not a pool). It'll be distanced somewhat from xinorbis and become better for it. Many updates are planned.
5.13 / September 14th 2024
A few minor optimisations, tweaks, and refactoring.
5.12 / August 19th 2024
Added: /compare:folder
Compares "folder" to the primary folder being scanned. Will output new and missing files, date and size changes.
5.10 / August 10th 2023
Added: /filter:n where n is a category, to filter the scan by the specified category Valid n as follows:
Program files PROG
System files SYS or SYSTEM
Graphic files GFX or GRAPHIC
Movie files MOVIE or FILM
Audio files SND or SOUND
Programming files COD or CODE
Compressed files COM or ZIP
Other files OTH or OTHER
Custom Ci where i is 1 to 10 for custom category 1 to 10
Added: /benford Outputs a Benford's Law distribution to the console
A few tweaks and minor bug fixes.
5.9 / January 27th 2023
Added: JSON report: /json
Saves the full file list (with all parameters) to a JSON file.
5.8 / December 23rd 2022
Added: Exclude folders with pattern matching
Added: Excluded folder patterns to HTML, Text, and console outputs
Added: The following extra console output options (based on the text report sections of the same name):
Added: Duplicate listing to console:
Duplicates by file name: /dn
Duplicates by file size: /ds
5.7 / November 25th 2022
Added: The following console output options (based on the text report sections of the same name):
Fixed: File Dates section in text reports being incorrectly titled
Code modified so that a separate non-database-enabled version can be built, which doesn't need the sql dll. This will be the default.
5.6 / November 1st 2022
Added: /load and /save to save command-line parameters for easy reuse
Must be the first command after fsu.
No extension needed. Other parameters can be added after the load command if required.
No extension needed.
Added: HTML root folder lists are now sorted by size and file count. Added: HTML root folder by size, alphabetical. Added: Text root folder sections sorted by size and file count. Added: HTML root folder by size, alphabetical (if number of root folders >20)
Fixed: Issue where charts won't appear in HTML reports if ' is present in a folder name.
5.5 / September 25th 2022
Fixed an issue where adding a final \ to the end of scan path (eg e:\cats) would cause a "folder does not exist error".
Added powerful console options via the /console switch.
This will activate an in-app console once a scan has finished, giving access to various reports, searching, and advanced filtering (with the ability to save search results). See the included PDF manual for more information.
A few minor tweaks. Added full file attribute value to CSV and XML output.
Updated the help manual with detailed information on the new console and its commands. It takes more effort to update the manual than it does to do the actual coding, so please read the manual!
5.4.1 / July 24th 2022
Minor tweaks to code.
Altered /top20folders to /folderstop20
Added a simple "bar graph" to above console output.
5.4.0 / July 20th 2022
Added Tree reports, a few minor issues fixed.
Some code tweaks and refactors.
5.3.0 / July 16th 2022
Added temporary file processing, added it to reports.
A few tweaks and automatic optimisations which should speed up processing when not needing report output.
5.2.0 / July 12th 2022
Added new console output reports /top20folders and /allfolders.
These show top 20 largest folders in the root of the scan folder, and all root folders in the scan folder respectively.
A few tweaks and a fix that ensures folders with similar names are handled correctly when calculating size.
5.1.0 / June 14th 2022
Added new HTML and Text reports: /deephtml and /deeptext
These add an extra level of folder detail to the respective html and text reports.
Tweaked the text report tables to show slightly more data.
5.0.1 / June 13th 2022
Builds to "fsu.exe" (it's much easier to type than the full name!).
Updated and improved HTML code, improved the styling.
Various tweaks to the code, part of an on-going improvement process.
5.0.0 / June 12th 2022
Renamed, and released with some minor tweaks.
The weird "n years after" phenomenon has happened again. It's almost exactly two years since I release an update to this.
4.1.1 / June 6th 2020
Added /versioncheck switch. Warns if new version available.
4.1.0 / June 5th 2020
Updates include: Now handles virtual files as Xinorbis does, and adds to reports. By default it will ignore all virtual files. Added new switch /allowvirtual to enable processing of virtual files. Now saves Xinorbis reports, and uses the new zsr2 format. Added manual to portable folder.
4.0.7 / April 2nd 2019
Updates include:
Now saves reports to the new default Xinorbis folder
Tidied up code
Improved /test functionality
Lots of minor tweaks and fixes
4.0.6 / February 26th 2019
Updates include: ODBC database functionality added HTML graphs implemented using the Google Chart API https://developers.google.com/chart/
Added File Dates info to HTML, XML, and Text reports Lots of tweaks and fixes
4.0.4 / February 16th 2019
Updates include: Addded test feature sqlite database updating full folder history updating Many tweaks and updates to the code