A program for Retroachievement Code Notes
Oriented to create Code Notes for Bitflags in offset addres
To use this program simply have in the same folder of the .py file a file called "Input.txt" with the code notes you want in the next format:
Addres Bitx = Note
"Addres" is the memory addres in hexadecimal starting with 0x
In "Bitx", the "x" is any number beetween 0 and 7
And "Note" is line of text, it have to be a single line, it does't work well with accents or another simbols so try to only use ASCII characters, ideally only numbers and letters.
The program will put together all lines than share addres and adding the necesary format to just copy and paste in the [Game ID]-User.txt file in RACache where you want to place the Code notes as explained here https://github.com/RetroAchievements/docs/wiki/WIP---Dev-Tips---Code-Notes-En-Masse
The Code notes will be in a file called "Output.txt" in the same folder, the program is very simple so feel free to edit whathever you want to adjust it to your needs.