Aria2 RPC client in python3. aria2,"The next generation download utility."
aria2py是基于Python3 写的 Aria2 RPC 客户端. aria2py通过aria2 server 的 xml-RPC接口和功能控制aria2 中文介绍文档
aria2py controls aria2 via its xml-RPC interface and features.
for more info, please refer to Aria2 official document
Start aria2 with rpc in your servcer, example:
aria2c --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all=true --rpc-allow-origin-all
If you have an existing server, this step can be skip.
clone this code. and copy into your client project directory.
git clone
In your client directory, import Aria2Py as follow to initiate a client:
import Aria2Py as a2p
client = a2p.Aria2Client()
The server info will set as server_add="",server_port=6800,token="" by default.
If you want to change them, use the following to set new info. the client will use these info to connect the remote aria2 rpc server.
If you leave the parameters blank, the client will not change the parameter's value.
For example, you can run the following:
#set the server info:
#change token only, others will not be change.
After setting server, you can simply use one function to check connection
it will return 'Authorized' or 'Unauthorized'
After setting server, you can simply use one function to add url as follow:
download_list = ["","]
then the function will return the task gid.
type help() to get more help info, or read aria2 offical rpc documet to get more help.
Help on module Aria2Py:
Help on Aria2Client in module Aria2Py object:
class Aria2Client(builtins.object)
| Default server address is,
| default port is 6800, default token is empty
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self)
| Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
| addTorrent(self, torrent_position, save_dir='')
| Open local torrent file to download.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.setServer(server_add = "", server_port = "6800", token = "1234")
| client.addTorrent("t1.torrent")
| client.addTorrent("t2.torrent", save_dir = "/tmp/downloads")
| t1 will be downloaded to the default path specified in aria2.conf, while t2 will be downloaded to /tmp/downloads.
| addUri(self, uri, save_dir='')
| provide the download link (or link list) to donload. Option: provide download position
| uri can be a str or a list. If uri is a str, it will be converted to list.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.setServer(server_add = "", server_port = "6800", token = "1234")
| client.addUri("")
| client.addUri(uri = "", save_dir = "/tmp/downloads")
| client.addUri(uri = ["","",""], save_dir = "/tmp")
| file1 will be downloaded to the default path specified in aria2.conf, while file2 will be downloaded to /tmp/downloads.
| file3,4,5 will be downloaded to /tmp
| changeGlobalOption(self, gid, options)
| This method changes options of the download denoted by gid (string) dynamically.
| options is a struct.
| option parameter example: {'max-download-limit':'20K'}
| changeOption(self, gid, options)
| This method changes options of the download denoted by gid (string) dynamically.
| options is a struct.
| option parameter example: {'max-download-limit':'20K'}
| Options are avalible in getOption mehtod.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.changeOption("2089b05ecca3d829",{'max-download-limit':'20K'})
| checkConnection(self)
| Return connection status between aria2 server and local
| forceRemove(self, gid)
| This method removes the download denoted by gid. This method behaves just like aria2.remove()
| except that this method removes the download without performing any actions which take time,
| such as contacting BitTorrent trackers to unregister the download first.
| getFiles(self, gid)
| This method returns the file list of the download denoted by gid (string).
| The response is an array of structs.
| getGlobalOption(self, gid)
| return the global options you can modify.
| getGlobalStatus(self)
| This method returns global statistics such as the overall download and upload speeds.
| The response is a struct and contains the following keys. Values are strings.
| Speed (byte/sec).
| How to convert?
| 1 Mb/s = 1024 kb/s = 1048576 byte/s
| 1 byte/s = 1/1048576 Mb/s
| getOption(self, gid)
| return the options of a specific job you can modify.
| getSessionInfo(self)
| This method returns session information. Session ID, which is generated each time when aria2 is invoked.
| getVersion(self)
| Return arai2 version
| listMethods(self)
| This method returns all the available RPC methods in an array of string.
| This method does nothing for user but for developer.
| This method just returns the available methods in remote server.
| listNotifications(self)
| This method returns all the available RPC notifications in an array of string.
| Unlike other methods, this method does not require secret token.
| This is safe because this method just returns the available notifications names.
| multicall(self)
| This methods encapsulates multiple method calls in a single request.
| methods is an array of structs. The structs contain two keys: methodName and params.
| methodName is the method name to call and params is array containing parameters to the method call.
| This method returns an array of responses.
| The elements will be either a one-item array containing the return value of the method call or a struct
| of fault element if an encapsulated method call fails.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.setServer(server_add = "", server_port = "6800", token = "1234")
| mc = client.multicall()
| mc.aria2.addUri([''])
| mc.aria2.addTorrent(xmlrpclib.Binary(open('file.torrent', mode='rb').read()))
| r = mc()
| tuple(r)
| then it will return such result:
| ('2089b05ecca3d829', 'd2703803b52216d1')
| nofification(self, method='', gid='')
| future work.不想做
| pause(self, gid='')
| Remove a job specified by gid. If parameter gid is empty, this method will pause all.
| remove(self, gid)
| remove a job specified by gid.
| removeStopped(self, gid='')
| If gid is not specific, this method will remove all stopped jobs.
| saveSession(self)
| This method saves the current session to a file specified by the --save-session option.
| This method returns OK if it succeeds.
| setServer(self, server_add='', server_port='6800', token='')
| set server info. If you leave the parameters blank, the server info will be unchanged or remained default.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.setServer(server_add = "", server_port = "6800", token = "1234")
| tellActive(self, keys=[])
| Show what is currently downloading. you can specific the outputs by giving keys(list),
| or you will get all status infomation.
| keys is an array of strings. If specified, the response contains only keys in the keys array.
| If keys is empty or omitted, the response contains all keys. This is useful when you just want specific keys and avoid unnecessary transfers.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.setServer(server_add = "", server_port = "6800", token = "1234")
| client.tellActive("2089b05ecca3d829", ["gid", "status"])
| tellStatus(self, gid='', keys=[])
| provide a specific gid to get status. you can specific the outputs by giving keys(list),
| or you will get all status infomation.
| keys is an array of strings. If specified, the response contains only keys in the keys array.
| If keys is empty or omitted, the response contains all keys. This is useful when you just want specific keys and avoid unnecessary transfers.
| Example:
| from Aria2Py import Aria2Client as client
| client.setServer(server_add = "", server_port = "6800", token = "1234")
| client.tellStatus()
| client.tellStatus("2089b05ecca3d829")
| client.tellStatus("2089b05ecca3d829", ["gid", "status"])
| tellStopped(self, offset=0, num=512, keys=[])
| This method returns a list of waiting downloads, including paused ones.
| offset is an integer and specifies the offset from the download waiting at the front.
| num is an integer and specifies the max. number of downloads to be returned.
| For the keys parameter, please refer to the aria2.tellStatus() method.
| tellWaiting(self, offset=0, num=512, keys=[])
| This method returns a list of waiting downloads, including paused ones.
| offset is an integer and specifies the offset from the download waiting at the front.
| num is an integer and specifies the max. number of downloads to be returned.
| For the keys parameter, please refer to the aria2.tellStatus() method.
| unpause(self, gid='')
| Pause a job specified by gid.if gid is empty, this method will unpause all.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)