This release of web-call.cc is the code used to produce the static web assets served by the web server of the web-call.cc website as it exists on October 1, 2021.
The main features of this release are demos using sequential programming based upon Scheme's call/cc; variations on MDN Web Docs' Drag and Drop API guide; a reproduction of a Sitepen demo of a dynamic stylesheet; and a demo of Dojo 1.10 tabs. The sequential programming demos are:
- a DOM editor prototype using the HTML5 Drag and Drop API,
- a simple introduction to the sequential programming on the website and a full presentation of an arithmetic calculator in a web page written in less than 20 lines of code,
- a sketchy prototype of a visual program editor,
- a demo using a refactored Scheme interface to the HTML5 Drag and Drop API, and
- a demo showing dynamic interaction with a Web Component (a Vaadin Custom Element).
There is also a demo showing Gambit Scheme in the web browser.