Applied NLP techniques to get more insights and patterns for products features. Suggesting prices for various products, where prices vary according to brand, season, and other factors
Data Description
- price : (Target Variable) : float variable, should be predicted.
- brand : name : String Value, brand of each product.
- category : name: String Value, Consists of 3 parts Main Category and 2 other sub-categories(will be examined further).
- item : condition id : int value, where id = 1 means product is in best Condition, greater value low condition.
- item : description : String value, the description of product (the bulk in our problem).
- name : : String value, the Name of the product.
- shipping : : boolean value(dummy variable),
shipping = 1
means seller pay the shipping feesshipping = 0
buyer who pay such fees.
we see how price is right skewed, which induce Log transformation.
Determine whether seller payed the shipping fees, or the buyer who payed
So apparently items which buyer
pay their shipping fees, are more Expensive
We have got +5K brand
So Demdaco is the most Expensive Brand with over 400 £ which could be treated as Outlier according to other brands.
May brand
considered as an important feature to our model.
items are ordered Feature, ranges from [1,5], where
1 value means item is in its Best condition and 5 value is Worst
Here we see how
varies with item condition
0 Men/Tops/T-shirts
1 Electronics/Computers & Tablets/Components & P...
2 Women/Tops & Blouses/Blouse
3 Home/Home Décor/Home Décor Accents
4 Women/Jewelry/Necklaces
We Split the item category column into 3 categories based on the \
def split_categ(c):
c1, c2, c3 = c.split("/")
return c1, c2, c3
return ("No label","No label","No label")
Then assign 3 extra features to our main dataframe
df['cat1'], df['cat2'], df['cat3']= zip(*df.category_name.apply(split_categ))
Visualizing the main category Frequency plot
Women are the most ones making shopping after all...
We are going to get all our explored features in a single compressed matrix and input it to Ridge Regression model
Brand name
brand_lv = LabelBinarizer(sparse_output=True)
X_brand = brand_lv.fit_transform(df['brand_name'])
Product name
name_cv = CountVectorizer(min_df=MIN_NAME_DF)
X_name = name_cv.fit_transform(df['name'])
Main Category
cat1_cv = CountVectorizer()
X_cat1 = cat1_cv.fit_transform(df['cat1'])
Sub Category
`cat2_cv = CountVectorizer()
X_cat2 = cat2_cv.fit_transform(df['cat2'])`
Shipping and condition of items
X_dummies = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( pd.get_dummies(df[['shipping', 'item_condition_id']], sparse=True).values)
append all scaled and manipulated features into single Compressed Matrix
X = scipy.sparse.hstack((
Train the model
y_train = np.log1p(df_train['price'])
model = Ridge(solver='lsqr', fit_intercept=False), y_train)
preds = model.predict(X_test)
df_test['price'] = np.expm1(preds)