Hello, I’m a Front-End Developer specializing in building components and documentation for design sytems. I’ve contributed to 10+ design systems and my skillset includes JS, HTML, SCSS/CSS, React and Vue. My background in visual design combined with my knowledge of asset creation enables me to become a bridge between design and engineering.
A quick way to visualize and share CSS box model examples. Adjust the inputs in the control panel to customize margin, padding, border, element dimensions and colors.

A simple, responsive, flexbox grid system.
<div class="batch-g batch-g--border batch-g--gutter batch-g--padding">
<div class="batch-c-1-1 batch-c-md-1-2 batch-c-lg-1-3">
Grid Cell 1
<div class="batch-c-1-1 batch-c-md-1-2 batch-c-lg-1-3">
Grid Cell 2
<div class="batch-c-1-1 batch-c-md-1-2 batch-c-lg-1-3">
Grid Cell 3