This repository contains the code used for the numerical simulations presented in our paper Mini-Batch Descent in Semiflows. The code implements the Random Minimizing Movement scheme applied to solving the obstacle problem.
In our paper, we explore the application of Random Minimizing Movement, a method where in each iteration of the minimizing movement, a randomly selected sub-functional of the total functional is minimized rather than following the full functional. This approach is illustrated using the obstacle problem, comparing the obtained solutions with real solutions.
: Contains several functions. Among them are:- smoothmax : Used to approximate the max function
- two_mountains : 2d function considered as the obstacle. It has the shape of two mountains
- obs_1d : 1d function considered as the obstacle for the 1d case.
- make_gif : Generate gifs
- batches_gen : Generate a set that contains sets randomly generated with a certain probability.
- unity_partition_1d : Partition of the unity 1d, defined in the interval [-1,1]
- unity_partition_2d : Partition of the unity 2d, defined in the interval [-1,1]x[-1,1]
: Contain the solvers. Namely,- solver_op : Obstacle problem solver (inspired by DyCon-blog)
- sol_one_realization : Solve one realization of the random minimizing movement
- solver_avg_mb_op : Compute the average of a given number of realizations of the random minimizing movement
: Jupyter Notebooks with examples demonstrating the code.
For more details on the theory and numerical results, please refer to Section 4.3 of our paper on arXiv: Mini-Batch Descent in Semiflows.