- 😎👋 Hi, I’m Martín Hernández.
- 🧐☝️ I’m interested in Partial Differential Equations, Control Theory, Machine Learning, and Numerical Analysis.
- 📫 My currently available email is martin.hernandez@fau.de
- 📖 Scholar
- 📃 CV
PINNs Introductory Code for the Heat Equation (Using Pytorch) |
Introductory PyTorch Tutorial |
This repository presents a code that can solve any binary classification problem using a deep neural network without the need to solve any optimization problem. |
Code for Turnpike Property Visualization (using Gekko). We analyze the finite-dimensional case with and without uncertainty in the coefficients. |
This repository contains a code that implements the Random Minimizing Movement scheme to solve the obstacle problem (using FEniCS). |
In this repository, we illustrate a code for Lloyd's algorithm. |