This repo contains two RealWorld examples:
- Seed frontend is based on seed-rs-realworld and seed-quickstart-webpack.
- The code is clean enough, complete and there are some unit tests.
- If you want to test it on your local machine, follow instructions in the quickstart's readme.
- Architecture is described in the original realworld readme.
- Do you have any questions? Join our forum and chat - links on the Seed's website.
- I want to reduce some boilerplate in the future and update it together with Seed.
- Backend is written in Dark lang.
- It's a full implementation of RealWorld specs, tested manually and with the official RealWorld Postman collection.
- I tried to apply Trace Driven Development - it works very well with Seed/Rust frontend.
- It contains 19 HTTP endpoints with JWT auth, 6 Datastores and some REPLs and Functions.
- If you want to try Dark lang, join their private beta testing. Mention my username
to get invitation faster. - When you find bugs or have questions, create an issue in this repo.
- It's not possible to share code at the moment so you can see at least a part of the canvas below.