👋 Hello there! I'm Marcos Hidalgo
- A Computer Science Engineer 💻 graduated from the University of Málaga.
- Ready and excited to begin with my professional 💼 stage.
- An enthusiast 📖 of AI, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Computer Vision and Robotics.
- Learn more about me by visiting my CV 📋 in the spanish and english versions.
You can check my subject's repositories and discover my projects developed during my stage at College.
This are some of the most interesting tools I have used and considered capable to handle.
Programming languages | Frameworks | IDEs |
Operating Systems | Virtualization Software | Documentation Version Control | Databases |
As you would expect from a junior developer, knowledge acquired is relatively superficial and exists room for improvement.
- Certificate in Generative AI learning path innovative course by Google Cloud Skills Boost.
- Certificate in Google Project Management specialization made up of six courses.
- Certificate by University of Michigan in Python 4 Everybody specialization made up of five courses.
- Certificate by University of Granada in Machine Learning and Big Data in Bioinformatics.
- NVIDIA DLI Certificate – Fundamentals of Deep Learning.
- NVIDIA DLI Certificate – Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++.
- NVIDIA DLI Certificate – Getting Started with DeepStream for Video Analytics on Jetson Nano.