🌍 I have interest in collaborating with others and empowering others to build digital solutions that solve real-world problems
- Social Communication - advertising and Marketing
Web Development Full Stack | UDEMY | Currently HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript (ES6) | BootStrap 4| SASS | PHP 7 | Object Orientation | MySQL | PHP with PDO | Ajax | JQuery | MVC | APIs | Mobile Applications with IONIC | Wordpress
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard | Currently Programming Logic | Scratch | C | Data Structures | SQL | Python | HTML | CSS | JavaScript
NLW#2 | Rocketseat | Currently HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | NunJucks - JavaScript template engine | SQLite
UI/UX Experience, Interface & Prototype | Hack Station From Facebook Design Thinking | Design Sprint | CSD Matrix | Qualitative and Quantitative Research | Benchmaking | Top insights | Data Analysis | Personas | MosCow Matrix | Crazy 8's | Wireframe | Figma | Miro
APP Development - Android | Hack Station From Facebook Kotlin | Android Studio
Curso em Vídeo | Gustavo Guanabara Programming Logic | HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript (ES6)
SCRUM Foundation Professional Certificate | CertiProf SFPC
SCRUM Certified | SCRUMstudy SFC