The home is the place where the elderly spend most of their time. Its domotization, through a sensorization and actuation platform that collects information of interest and operates in the environment, can contribute to active and healthy aging. Any attempt to turn a space into an intelligent environment requires a gateway where different communication technologies can converge. But these platforms are usually designed by the manufacturer itself to interact with its proprietary devices, which is a problem in heterogeneous environments. In addition, computational resources are usually very limited, making advanced processing of the collected data difficult.
In this project, the development of an intelligent gateway that supports more than one communication technology and where advanced information processing can be carried out, including, for example, the execution of data fusion or machine learning algorithms.
This system would serve to support elderly people living alone so that they can maintain the good physical health and emotional well-being they need at a lower cost and avoiding unnecessary trips out of the home, for example, in situations such as the one generated by COVID-19, for medical consultations, follow-up appointments or even passive monitoring of the patient's condition.