METAPOPGEN is a forward-in-time genetic simulator written completely in R to model multi-locus population genetic processes in subdivided populations of arbitrarily large size. It allows for spatial and temporal variation in demographic parameters, age structure, adult and propagule dispersal, variable mutation rates and selection on survival and fecundity.
A description of MetaPopGen can be found in the publications:
Andrello M, Noirot C, Débarre F and Manel S. (in press). METAPOPGEN 2.0: a multi-locus genetic simulator to model populations of large size. Molecular Ecology Resources.
Andrello M and Manel S. (2015). MetaPopGen: an R package to simulate population genetics in large size metapopulations. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15: 1153-1162, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12371.
Please see the Tutorials in the main package folder to get started.