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This class provides a simple use of multipath request.
For example if you want to run a request with car between two city you will use
.departure(departure, false)
.requestCarRoute(new RequestListener<List<MappyMultiPathRoute>>() {
public void onRequestFailure(Throwable throwable) {
public void onRequestSuccess(List<MappyMultiPathRoute> mappyMultiPathRoutes) {
// mappyMultiPathRoutes are all available routes for the requested mode (here : car)
Three modes are available : CAR, BIKE and PEDESTRIAN, and each mode can be called by this function
- requestCarRoute : run a multipath request with car
- requestPedestrianRoute : run a multipath request with pedestrian
- requestBikeRoute : run a multipath request with bike
Furthermore you must add departure and arrival to run the request by using the method
- **departure(departure, isMyLocation)** : the departure in LatLng , and precise if this point is the current Location of user, by default isMyLocation is false
- **arrival(arrival)** : the arrival in LatLng
More options are available :
- **step**: if you want a third city between the other to create a step point in itinerary
- **withTraffic** : ask to return the itinerary in polyline
- **date** : the date when you want the itinerary will start
Autocompletion Service
Get a list of suggestion by query and the bounding box
Params :
- *query* String get suggestion from this query
- *filter* filter to apply to the suggest request
- *boundingbox* encoded geobounds, the bounding box of the research by default in FRANCE, use `GeoBounds` Util to get the string
- *fromMicro* tell the request is from microphone research
- *maxResults* change maximum suggest request responses (default is {@value #DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS})
Return : a SuggestionStore
contains a list of Suggestion
Geocode Service
Get the list of POI by query ( bounding box, text, suggestion, etc. )
Params :
- *searchedText* `String` a text present
- *geoBounds* `GeoBounds` bounding box corresponding to user map lat_min,long_min,lat_max,long_max (SW, NE)
- *extendsBoundingBox* `Boolean` search outside bounding box if true (default), do not search outside bounding box if false
- *isForRoute* `Boolean` is the answer is for multi path or not
- *filter* `LocationByQueryRequestParams.FilterType` filter the result set
PLACES (default) -> results will be chosen between POIs and addresses
ADDRESS -> results will be addresses only
POI -> results will POIs only
POI_XOR_ADDRESS -> results will be addresses if any, POIs otherwise
- *suggestion* `Suggestion` the suggestion linked to the research
- *favoriteCountry* `Int` the search is not limited to that country, but locations in this country will have preference
Return: a LocationStore
contains a list of MappyLocation
and other information
Reverse Geocode
Get the list of POI by coordinates
Params :
- *coordinates* `LatLng` the coordinates of the research
Return: a LocationStore
contains a list of MappyLocation
and other information
##Contact us
If you have any question, please contact