visit the JsonPowerDB login page
Register yourself by clicking on the Register button
After registering, you'll get your credentials in your email
That's it, your Developer Account has been created
- Simply go to the above mentioned website and Login
- After which you'll see a dashboard like this
- Click on the Tools tab
- Under Token tab you'll find Generate Connection Token button. So, simply click on it.
- Now you are all set to use JsonPowerDB.
In order to practice some basic commands we are going to install a Chrome Extension Talend API Tester
You might have got a thought about Why JSON?
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is having explosive fastest growing trend in recent years and is slowly becoming the de-facto standard for data and communications.
- Nimble, Simple to use, In Memory, Real-Time
- Schema free - easy to maintain
- Serverless Support - fast development - cuts time to market
- Multi-Mode database - one solution to variety of data
- Build around worlds fastest* indexing engine PowerIndex
- Webservices API - low development cost
- A single instance - Million Indexes
- Inbuilt support to Querying Multiple Databases
- Multiple security layers
- Server Side Native NoSQL - best performance
Feature | MongoDB | MySQL | Redis | HBase | Influx DB | JasonPowerDB |
Document DB | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ |
Key-Value DB | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ |
RDBMS | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️* |
GeoSpatial | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ |
Time Series DB | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Wide Column Stores | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️* |
- Any software application that needs backend database
- Dynamic web applications/Mobile/Desktop Apps
- All RDBMS Use-cases
- All Document DB Use-cases
- All Key-Value DB Use-cases
- Use-cases that needs GeoSpatial/Time-series Analytics
- Best suited to real-time application for data analytics
- Improve existing application reporting / analytics performance
- Live working HTMl templates
- Minimum Development Cost
- Minimum Time to Market
- Minimize the complexity of interoperability of different applications
- Maximum data processing performance
- Technology Futuristic
- Fills gap from database to big-data
- Pluggable with new algorithms
- Pluggable and user defined API
- Minimize Total Cost of Ownership
- Some important points to keep in mind
- Http Method : POST
- Base URL : http://api.login2explore.com:5577
- End-point URL : /api/iml
- Syntax
{ "token": <"connection-token">, "cmd": "PUT", <<"dbName": <"database-name">,>> <<"rel": <"relation-name">,>> <<"colsAutoIndex": <boolean-value>,>> <<"templateStr": <jsonTemplateStr>,>> "jsonStr": <jsonDataStr> }
- Code Sample
{ "token": "608862679|6881615562961411263|608862579", "cmd": "PUT", "dbName": "StudentDB", "rel": "student", "jsonStr": { "name": "user", "email": "user@gmail.com" } }
- Demo
- Some important points to keep in mind
- Http Method : POST
- Base URL : http://api.login2explore.com:5577
- End-point URL : /api/irl
- Syntax
{ "token": <"connection-token">, "cmd": "GET", "dbName": <"database-name">, "rel": <"relation-name">, "jsonStr": { <"ColumnName":"JsonValue"> } }
- Code Sample
{ "token": "608862679|6881615562961411263|608862579", "cmd": "GET", "dbName": "StudentDB", "rel": "student", "jsonStr": { "name": "user" } }
- Demo
- Some important points to keep in mind
- Http Method : POST
- Base URL : http://api.login2explore.com:5577
- End-point URL : /api/iml
- Syntax
{ "token": <"connection-token">, "cmd": "UPDATE", "dbName": <"database-name">, "rel": <"relation-name">, "jsonStr": { <"recordNo">: { <"ColumnName": "NewJsonValue">|<"New-ColumnName": "New-Column-Value"> } } }
- Code Sample
{ "token": "90937075|-31948812362179105|90938333", "cmd": "UPDATE", "dbName": "StudentDB", "rel": "student", "jsonStr": { "2":{ "name": "Test Student", "email":"teststudent@gmail.com", "mobile": 7098162348 } } }
- Demo
- Some important points to keep in mind
- Http Method : POST
- Base URL : http://api.login2explore.com:5577
- End-point URL : /api/iml
- Syntax
{ "token": <"connection-token">, "cmd": "REMOVE", "dbName": <"database-name">, "rel": <"relation-name">, "record": <record_number | [recNo1, recNo2....]> }
- Code Sample
{ "token": "401400726|-363956312424328770|401400726", "cmd": "REMOVE", "dbName": "StudentDB", "rel": "student", "record": 1 }
- Demo