New release of the hybrid-cloud-object-storage-operator with the following changes:
- SFTP can now be configured for the Aure Blob Storage backend (this is only possible for newly created storage accounts due to limitations in Azure, also SFTP and versioning can not be activated at the same time), thanks to @rimidalv2018
- A bug was fixed where the operator could not control an Azure storage account that was deleted and restored via the Azure Portal
- The CRDs are now installed via a separate helm chart to make management easier
If you update from a previous release you will need to import the CRD into the helm release. Use the following snippet:
cat <<EOF > patch.yaml
meta.helm.sh/release-name: hybrid-cloud-object-storage-operator-crds
meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
kubectl patch crd objectstoragebuckets.hybridcloud.maibornwolff.de --patch-file patch.yaml