This project is in order to recode the printf function and some of its options.
- _printf function produces output according to a format which is described below.
- write its output to the stdout, the std output stream.
- return the number of characters printed (excluding the null byte used to end output to strings).
- %c: prints a single character
- %s: string
- %d: integer
- %i: integer
- %b: binary representation of an unsigned decimal
- %u: unsigned integer
- %x: hexadecimal representation of an unsigned decimal in lowercase letters
- %X: hexadecimal representation of an unsigned decimal in uppercase letters
- %r: reversed string
- %R: The Rot13 interpretation of an string.
- All the files will be compiled on Ubuntu 20.4 LTS using gcc
- The code will be compiled using the options -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89
#include "main.h"
* main - Entry point
* Return: Always 0
int main(void)
int len;
unsigned int ui;
len = _printf("Let's try to printf a simple sentence.\n"); /*Print: Let's tyr to printf a simple sentence.*/
_printf("Length: %d, %i\n", len, len); /*Print: Length: 39, 39*/
_printf("Percent: [%%]\n"); /*Print: Percent: [%]*/
_printf("%s\n", "I am a string!"); /*Print: I am a string!*/
return (0);