Quantum computing utilises three basic ingredients inherent to quantum mechanics: superposition, interference and entanglement. These phenomena allow for an enhanced performance of quantum algorithms, which translates to a speed-up compared to the best corresponding classical alternatives.
The field of quantum computing attempts to follow the general ideas of classical computing. However, rather than electric currents moving bits of data around, in quantum computing the quantum mechanical state vector is evolved and the goal of the subject is to extract the information contained in the state vector in a form useful for computing purposes.
Quantum computers could spur the development of new breakthroughs in science, medications to save lives, machine learning methods to diagnose illnesses sooner, materials to make more efficient devices and structures, financial strategies to live well in retirement, and algorithms to quickly direct resources such as ambulances. A thorough understanding of quantum algorithms is crucial for the success of future quantum computers.
A simulation of a quantum computer was implemented on a classical computer using the Python programming language. All basic components of a quantum computer were created and Grover’s quantum search algorithm was implemented and successfully run, without using any specialised quantum computing libraries.
The project has corroborated previous results of Grover's time complexity and provided a quadratic speedup with respect to the best classical alternative of .
- Dan Buxton
- Tommaso Bruggi
- Ricardo Del Rio Fuente
- Matthaios Chouzouris
- Sagar Patel
- Hasancan Cifci
- Andrea Husseiniova