See Document for more detail.
Macaca API is a mobile native library for iOS and Android.
- Native share (text, image, video, gif)
- Native Dialog (with callback)
- Native DatePicker
- Rate Us Dialog
- Vibration
- Toast
- Runtime Permission (Android Only)
iOS 10 or later
Android 4.4 or later
This package require External Dependency Manager to make sure native dependency is resolve correctlly.
openupm add com.macacagames.macacaapi
Add it to your editor's manifest.json
file like this:
"dependencies": {
"com.macacagames.macacaapi": "",
- Import MacacaAPI
- open the sence file in Test folder. (Test.unity)
- Build and Run!
Android Native Shard require one more step to complete.
Modify your AndroidManifest.xml in Plugins/Android folder and add this in block
Remember replace the {your authorities}
into your Package name. (usually looks like com.xxxx.yyy)
android:authorities="{your authorities}"
android:grantUriPermissions="true" />
Full example code in CloudMacacaAPITest
CM_APIController.ShowToastMessage("Hello World");
// The haptic engine pop vibrate
// The haptic engine Peek vibrate
// The haptic engine Nope vibrate
// Vibrate device in milesecond (Android only)
// Show rate us
// Show a system dialog
new CMDialogCallback(
() =>
() =>
// Show System datetime picker
new CMDatePickerCallback(
(date) =>
For share MacacaAPI only helps you to call a native share UI. you need to make the screenshot, gif, video yourself in Unity3D and save to a readable path. (Usually Application.persistentDataPath )
A sample to share a Screenshot
public string ScreenshotName = "screenshot.png";
public void ShareScreenshotWithText(string text)
string screenShotPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + ScreenshotName;
if (File.Exists(screenShotPath)) File.Delete(screenShotPath);
StartCoroutine(delayedShare(screenShotPath, text));
//CaptureScreenshot runs asynchronously, so you'll need to either capture the screenshot early and wait a fixed time
//for it to save, or set a unique image name and check if the file has been created yet before sharing.
IEnumerator delayedShare(string screenShotPath, string text)
while (!File.Exists(screenShotPath))
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.05f);
CM_APIController.Share(screenShotPath, text, text, CM_APIController.ShareType.Image);
//CM_APIController.Share(text, screenShotPath, "", "", "image/png", true, "");
To share text message
// Request a permission
// Check a permission state
AndroidPermissionState result = CM_APIController. CheckPermissionState(CM_APIController.AndroidPermission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
// Check app have a Permission or not
bool result = CM_APIController.CheckPermission(CM_APIController.AndroidPermission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
more in Document