Ressources for Deep Learning Course (VSE).
- Kaggle challenges: 30% of the total grade
- Deadline on the 15th of March 2023, 5pm
- Fitting functions (1D-1D & 5D-5D)
- Binary face classification (with glasses or without glasses)
- Multi (10) classes classification
- Transfer Learning
- Group Project: 70% of the grade
- 2-3 per group
- Deadline on the 2nd of April 2023, 11:59 pm
- Must demonstrate understanding of deep learning & ability to lead a project
- Easiest projects that are thoroughly understood are preferred to complicated projects that are only scratched the surface
- Slides and written report must be in English. Presentation doesn't need to.
- deep to shallow: deep (>2 hidden layers) to shallow (1 hidden layer) network
- perturb weights of a network to assess which neurons are the most “sensitives” (maybe compare wide and deep?)
- follow up on digits classification: hand written characters classification
- measure how far two handwritings are from images samples (use siamese networks to create a distance)
- follow up on TD8: from medical decathlon (, try to segment other organs (we will do prostate and hippocampus in TD8 & TD8bis)
- realistic person not existing: this website generates artificial images of people some are more realistic than others; create a network that discriminate realistic from unrealistic ones
- predict the language spoken from some audio record
- predict the area of math to which belong the latex formula
- conditional gans on pokemons: generate intermediate frames for the evolution of pokemons (this could be a beginning:
- mixing faces: take images of faces and create a mixture of them, you can then create the "average face" of your group, your family, etc...
- how will our babies look like: take two face images and generate a younger version of the mixed faces
- autocomplete based on previous messages of the conversation
- automatic texting in a conversation (similar to the above, but more ambitious... How long can you hold before the other person finds out? this is called the Turing test)
- automatic group conversation image generation based on conversation title/messages
- Fitting function 1D-1D:
- Fitting function 5D-5D:
- Binary Classification (Glasses/NoGlasses):
- Decimal Classification (MICS MNIST):
- Transfer Learning (Sword video classification):
Course ressources from last year: