Welcome to Implode v1.0.
Implode is a library designed to store and solve differential equations using p-adic arithmetic.
To do this, it uses FLINT's padic_t
data type.
Solutions are computed as (generalized) power series solutions, making use of a recursion relation between the coefficients.
For a similar library using complex arithmetic, see Cascade.
This library uses cmake as its build system, so to compile it simply run
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Then, to install the library on your system, run
sudo make install
The following program computes a power series solution to the differential equation x^2 y'' + (3x-1)y' + y = 0
This equation is solved by a power series with coefficients a_n = n!
, which only converges over the p-adic numbers.
#include <implode.h>
int main ()
slong p = 13;
padic_t rho;
padic_ctx_t ctx;
padic_ode_t ode;
padic_ode_solution_t sol;
/* Setup */
padic_ctx_init(ctx, &p, 0, 20, PADIC_TERSE);
padic_ode_solution_init(sol, rho, 1, 0, ctx);
padic_ode_init_blank(ode, 2, 2, 20);
padic_set_si(padic_ode_coeff(ode, 2, 2), 1, ctx);
padic_set_si(padic_ode_coeff(ode, 1, 1), 3, ctx);
padic_set_si(padic_ode_coeff(ode, 1, 0), -1, ctx);
padic_set_si(padic_ode_coeff(ode, 0, 0), 1, ctx);
/* Solving and Output */
padic_ode_solve_frobenius(sol, ode, 10, ctx);
padic_poly_print_pretty(sol->gens, "x", ctx);
/* Cleanup */
return 0;
To compile this into an executable, run
gcc test.c -lflint -limplode
The output should look something like this:
Because Flint can cache some constants internally, it is recommended to call flint_cleanup() at the end of your main program. This will clear Flint's internal cache, and guarentee a clean output of Memory tools like Valgrind.
Implode uses FLINT to store p-adic numbers and polynmials. Therefore FLINT has to be installed in order to compile and use Implode. Furthermore, any program you write with Implode must be linked against libflint.