The app will be first developed on IOS Apple systems. The app may be later developed/ported to Andriod.
- The app will be a simple timer system.
- The app will give the user the ability to set the "Go" time and the "Rest" time.
- During a timing phase, the "Go" time will have a green background, with white text for the timer. During the "Rest" time the app will have a red background, with white text for the timer
Reform comments that are outdated. Specify updates below Description section of comments. Explain exactly what the additions do.
Review code for repetitive code which may be simplified.
Create simple main page for the timer, icluding the timer/interval labels, buttons, and all other required media to funciton
Implement ability to change the time to the users liking. Follow suit for the interval selection.
Implement the timer. Get to a running state from pressing start. Ensure that user selected time is the countdown amount.
Complete timer by adding pause/stop/reset buttons. Ensure that all button work properly before moving on.
Consider the interval selection into the system. Every time interval is active show a "go", when not active show "rest" (better designs LATER)
Implement designs in the app. Background pictures/colors, animated gifs for "go" and "rest" phases
COMPLETE NOTE: Orginal gif design idea has been scrapped. Simply didn't look good with only being able to animate every 1.0 seconds. New design works and is smooth!
Add 5 second countdown timer before each phase of "Rest" and "Go" begins. COMPLETE
Add Sound which plays at each second of the above feature. COMPLETE / NEEDS TESITNG
Add ability to select exercise interval time along with rest time.
Consider adMob ads (at least for practice)