Python code for reducing the dimensionality of your feature matrix.
About the Python file:
The code uses the Iris dataset (on Seaborn) and assesses the model impact of using SVM (Support Vector Machines)
to predict the iris species based on 4 features ('sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length' and 'petal_width').
We then decrease the dimensiolatily of the features from 4 to 2 (using Kernel PCA) and assess how it impacts the predictive ability of the model.
Please note the use of PCA in this example is not a good use case. We would tend to use PCA when we have a large number of features with a large number of these being non-prdictive and/or highly correlated with each other.
Further information on PCA:
Andrew Ng -
Visualize PCA -