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This repository contains the web app code for an Italian volunteering project aimed at managing volunteers shifts. This web app can be employed for other contexts too.

It is written in Rust using the Rocket framework, while the front-end part has been written through the Bulma framework along with a pinch of JavaScript.

Deployment and hosting are performed by Shuttle-rs cloud-development platform.

The routes visible from the browser are in Italian language to ease volunteers in remembering them. Also the labels and HTML objects descriptions are written in Italian language.

Visible Routes

Routes visible by anyone who accesses to them.

  • / shows the page to authenticate in the volunteer space. To login, it is necessary to insert the volunteer card identifier and surname.

  • /referenti shows the page to authenticate in the referents space. This page contains all sensible data about volunteers and their own shifts. To login, it is necessary to insert a password.

  • /cookie shows the cookie policy in Italian language. The policy is contained in cookie_policy.html.hbs, replace the content of this file with your own language.

Authenticated Routes

Routes accessible only through authentication.

  • /visualizzaturni shows all shifts for a specific date. A volunteer can move through different dates using select boxes which allows to choose the week range and the respective day to visualize. Once select boxes have been set up, volunteers names and surnames are shown divided by task in the form of cards. One card per task.

  • /volontari shows all volunteers data: identifier, name, surname and phone number. These information is retrieved from an online CSV file and then saved in the internal database when the web app is starting. This page also contains, for each volunteer, a way to reach the /turni route. Only a referent can access to this page.

  • gestoreturni?<card_id> shows the page to insert and record shifts for the volunteer associated to the card identifier, card_id, parameter. More shifts can be added for a single week day, but with a different task.

  • /turni/<card_id> shows all shifts associated to the card_id which identifies a precise volunteer. Through this page, a volunteer can also remove his/her own shifts.

  • download/database downloads the whole web app database as a JSON file.

Routes Redirections

The web app implements PUT and DELETE requests to change data. Only the most notable ones are written below, the others can be visualized directly from code. To process forms data, POST requests have been employed.

  • /updatevolunteers updates volunteers information downloading the CSV file with all their data.

  • /add/<card_id>/<shift_id> adds a new shift, identified by the shift_id query string, for the volunteer associated with the card_id query string.

  • /removeshift/<card_id>/<shift_id> removes the shift, identified by the shift_id query string, for the volunteer associated with the card_id query string.

Secrets Variables

Sensible data are passed to the web app through the Secrets.toml file. In order to build the web app, you need to fill in the necessary variables contained in the Secrets.toml.example file with your own data and then rename the file to Secrets.toml.


Cookies are entirely managed by the Rocket framework. Inside the web app, only technical cookies are present. Cookies containing sensible data are encrypted, while those related to data flow or graphical aspects can be inspected through browsers.

With Shuttle

Instructions to build, deploy, and host the web app with Shuttle.


  1. First off, download and install Rust on your computer following the instructions provided here.

  2. Install Shuttle as explained here.

  3. Download this source code and enter its directory.

  4. To run the web app on your pc:

        cargo shuttle run

    To run the web app setting only the Italian timezone, you need to define an environment variable when running cargo.

        CHRONO_TZ_TIMEZONE_FILTER="(Europe/Rome)" cargo shuttle run

    To run the web app on your network such that it could be accessible from your mobile phone:

        cargo shuttle run --external [--port YOUR_PORT]

    Look at the Smartphone Visualization section in order to know how to visualize the web app on your mobile phone.

  5. To deploy the code, you have to:

    5.1 Login on your Shuttle account with this command:

        cargo shuttle login --api-key YOUR_API_TOKEN

    5.2 Create a new Shuttle project with the command:

       cargo shuttle project start

    5.3 Deploy the code

        cargo shuttle deploy

    5.4 Your deployed web app will be accessible at the following address:


    where {name} is the web app name contained in the Shuttle.toml file.

Without Shuttle

This implementation is no more supported and it requires to change a little part of the code to make it work!!

Instructions to build and run the web app locally without Shuttle as cloud platform.


  1. First off, download and install Rust on your computer following the instructions explained here.

  2. Download this source code and enter its directory, then run:

cargo run
  1. To see your running web app, type in your browser the following address:

This is your localhost address with 8080 as port value.

Smartphone building

If you want to access your web app from a smartphone connected to the same network of the computer which runs the web app:

Run the web app on your computer changing the Rocket profile through the environment variable ROCKET_PROFILE

ROCKET_PROFILE=mobile cargo run

Smartphone Visualization

To see your running web app, type in your smartphone browser the following address {address}:{port}. {address} is the IP address of your computer, while {port} is the relative port value.

If you are building without Shuttle, you can find and change this information in the Rocket.toml file under the voice [mobile].

Known Limitations

Because of this issue, HTML 5 form validation errors are not shown on Firefox mobile.


Released under the MIT License.


Thanks to Bulma, Rocket, and Shuttle-rs frameworks, we can support volunteers in helping others!


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