A collection of mini-programs covering various client-go use cases inspired by client-go/examples. The intention (at least so far) is to test (more or less) fresh version of Go and packages against a few latest Kubernetes versions.
What tested at the moment:
go 1.17
k8s.io/client-go v0.23.1
Kubernetes v1.22.3
All examples expect minikube
with at least two Kubernetes clusters - shared1
and shared2
curl -sLS https://get.arkade.dev | sudo sh
arkade get minikube kubectl
minikube start --profile shared1
minikube start --profile shared2
Oversimplified (for now):
cd <program>
go run main.go
- Add more assertions to mini-programs
- Test different Kubernetes versions
- Setup GitHub action(s)
- Examples to be covered
- setting API request timeout
- configuring API request throttling
delete collection
with different strategiesServer Side Apply
(SSA)- working with subresources
(one and many)- optimistic locking and
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56115197/how-to-idiomatically-fill-empty-fields-with-default-values-for-kubernetes-api-ob
Contributions are always welcome! Want to participate but don't know where to start? The TODO list above could give you some ideas. Before jumping to the code, please create an issue describing the addition/change first. This will allow me to coordinate the effort and make sure multiple people don't work on the same task.