Releases: Lolle2000la/Image-Sort
Added Icon to context menu
- Added: Icon to context menu entry in Windows Explorer
Improving the work-cycle
Before this release, to sort your images, you had to first open the app, select the folder, and then you could finally sort the images. This release does the small (but hopefully workflow enhancing) addition of Image sort now being and option in the context menu of your folders. This means that by right-clicking an folder and selecting "Sort with Image Sort" you can directly open the app and sort the folder selected.
Also the old dialog for selecting a new horizontal resolution has been exchanged for a new text field. This way you can see and edit that value faster on the fly.
- Added: New option in the context menu of windows explorer to sort images of an folder ("Sort with Image Sort").
- Changed: The input-box based Input for maximum resolution has been replaced with an easy-to-reach text box.
Fixed the updater raising suspicions from an anti-virus programs
- Installer now raises less suspicions
*(Note that Windows Defender may deem the app as a virus. This is, as it seems, exclusive to Windows Defender.)
Fixed more updater-problems
While the updater works, it doesn't do so smoothly yet. With this release, the installer doesn't get blocked anymore, as the processes related to the app now get killed beforehand. This results in an smoother updating experience.
- Image sort now gets closed, if you choose to install the update.
- "Image sort.Update" and "Image sort.UI" don't block the installer anymore.
Fixed infinite loop
The app will no longer go into an endless loop, when an input was entered, that wasn't in the stack of folders.
- (Fixed) Endless loop
Making the Automatic Updater work
With this Release, the automatic updater works as intended, without having to open github. This should result in less annoyance over first having to open the web browser to install updates.
- (Fixed) Autoupdater not downloading and installing update.
- Entering a folder now clears the search box, this should make navigating way more comfortable.
Improving stabillity
With this release, the app becomes more stable. It will be more stable on 64bit systems and be smaller in size. Also, if an image you want to move already exists (e.g. another image with the same name) in the folder you want to move it to, it will now offer you to replace that image, create a new one (e.g. moving "image.jpg" into folder as "image(0).jpg") or skip the image alltogether.
- If a file already exists, you now get the option to replace it or create a new one.
- Dialogs are now being displayed with native visual styling.
- Escape has been added as a shortcut for going one folder upwards in hierarchy.
- Stabillity has been improved for 64bit systems (see under-the-hood for details)
- New inputbox reimplementation grants independence of Microsoft.visualbasic
- New ListBox implementation grants independence of Microsoft.Expression.Blend.SDK's behaviors.
This improves the overall stability when using on a 64bit system. It also makes the assemblies smaller.
Smoothed some rough edges
The app now is a bit more stable (Invalid images don't make the app crash) and uses less RAM when navigating through folders.
- When navigating through folders, Images get cleaned up way faster. This should result in less RAM usage overall
- (Fixed) App doesn't crash anymore, when loading invalid images.
- (Fixed) Canceling the Dialog for setting the resolution of images does not result in reverting to default
Added ability to set the horizontal resolution of the images
- Added the ability to set the horizontal resolution of images being loaded, which can, if not set too high reduce loading times and help fixing crashes because of too much memory being used.
- Default resolution is now set to 1000 Pixel
Under the hood
The code has now been cleaned up and restructured for more readabillity.
Changed Updater to work in a different way
- For now the updater has been given up. It will now open the github webpage when the user wants to update.