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Import OrgUnits

Chantria Tram edited this page May 23, 2017 · 7 revisions


  • Learn how to prepare a CSV file for mass import of OrgUnits into DHIS2.

  • Learn best practices in creating OrgUnits.

Assignment overview:

Creating and uploading a config sheet saves time when creating many OrgUnits. To prepare the config sheet, you must first create the top level OrgUnit in the system. You must to this to have a root UID from which to relate all others. Then you must find unused UIDs to assign to all lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. In the following exercise, you will have the opportunity to practice searching and assigning unique IDs to appropriate levels of the organizational hierarchy, and preparing a CSV document for mass import of OrgUnits into DHIS2.


In the Excel document provided, fill in all your OrgUnits, to be able to mass import into DHIS2

Step 1: Create your root OrgUnit

  1. In your instance, make sure you have created the root (Top level) OrgUnit already. When in the 'Organisation Unit' app, left click on the OrgUnit and select 'Show details' to find it's UID, which you will include into your Excel Config sheet.

Step 2: Prepare the Config sheet

a. Follow the format shown in the worksheet below

b. To find unused UIDs, follow this link: Https:// (Change 1 at the end of the link to the total number of OrgUnits)

Step 3: Export the completed Config sheet as a CSV file

Step 4: Upload to DHIS2

a. Go to the 'Import / Export' app


b. Click 'Meta-Data Import'


c. You will see this box;

d. Choose your OrgUnit config file

e. Select the following form the drop down menus:

Format: CSV

Object Type: Organisation Unit

Dry Run: Yes

Strategy: New and Updates

Step 5: After a dry run, check the 'Import Summary' link - if everything has worked, repeat step 4, selecting 'No' from the 'Dry run' dropdown.

Assignment Worksheet


Please use the provided excel document titled, "Template OrgUnit".

Save your work and copy your finished document into the Collaboration Space in this notebook. 


  • All UIDs given in the example tables exist in 


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DHIS2 Curriculum

Volume 1 – Building your instance

The Three Pillars of DHIS2

Organization Units – “The Where”

Data Elements – “The What”

Data Sets – “The When”

Adv. Data Collection – Categories and Option Sets


Volume 2 – Daily use of DHIS2

Data Entry



Volume 3 – Maintaining your instance (admin)


Data Quality

Access and Usability

Volume 4 – Importing and Exporting

Meta-Data Import

Meta-Data Export

Data Import

Data Export

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