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quartzjer edited this page Jan 21, 2012 · 60 revisions

Welcome to the Locker wiki!



  • Create a Connector - Start writing code! Create a new connector.
  • Create an App - Keep writing code! Create an example app.
  • Locker in a Nutshell - Get a high level view of the entire design of the system
  • Architecture - Links to all of the individual architecture break outs and documentation.
  • Core-API - Core API docs (collections/connectors have their own APIs, see API explorer in a running locker)
  • Service development status - Status of what connectors/services are being worked on by whom, anyone can update/edit
  • General Development - Brainstorms, research, and growing ideas abound
  • Config.json - Documentation for Locker configuration
  • APIKeys.json - Documentation for OAuth connector configuration


You can find our engineering tasks on google docs here:

Engineering Projects

( and the corresponding Engineering Reviews )

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