- len(object) => stack object lenght
- Iterator => loop on the stack
- peek() => get the last element
- push(element) => add element
- pop(element) => remove and return the last element added
- len(object) => Set object lenght
- Itrator => loop on the set
- add(element) => add element
- remove(element) => remove element
- contains(element) => returns True if it have the element and False if not
- equals(object: Set) => compare 2 sets and returns True if equal and False if not
- subset_of(object: Set) => returns True if subset and False if not
- union(object: Set) => returns a new set
- intersect(object: Set) => returns a new set
- difference(object: Set) => returns a new set
- len(object) => Map object lenght
- Itrator => loop on the map
- add(key: int, *values) => if key is found it will overwrite it and its values, if not it will creat new one
- append(key: int, *values) => if key is found it will append the values to it, if not it will creat one
- remove_Key(key: int) => remove a key and its values
- remove_Values(key: int, *values) => remove the key values included at the method only
- values_Of(key: int) => return list of the key values
- len(object) => Queue object lenght
- Iterator => Loop over the queue
- enqueue(element) => add element to the queue
- dequeue() => Removes the front element
- isEmpty() => Returns True if empty and False if not
- isFull() => Returns True if it's full and False if not
- clear() => Clears the queue || deletes all the elements
- object.Get_numOfItems => property returns number of elements in the queue
- object.Get_front => property returns the front element
- object.Get_rear => property returns the rear element
- object.Get_Available_Space => property returns the available space in the queue
- len(object) => queue object lenght
- Iterator => loop over the queue
- insert_Left(element) => add element from the left side
- insert_Right(element) => add element from the right side
- remove_Left() => removes element from the left of queue
- remove_Right() => removes element from the right of the queue
- isEmpty() => Returns True if empty and False if not
- isFull() => Returns True if it's full and False if not
- clear() => Clears the deque || deletes all the elements in the queue
- object.Get_numOfItems => property returns number of elements in the queue
- object.Get_front => property returns the front element
- object.Get_rear => property returns the rear element
- object.Get_Available_Space => property returns the available space in the queue
- Iterator => loop over the list data
- getSize => property gets to you the lenght of the list
- isEmpty => property checks whether the list is empty or not
- Clear() => clears the list
- search() => searchs on an item and returns true if exists
- insert(item, position: int) => inserts an item in its given posotion if the position exists
- append(item) => put an item at the end of the list
- remove(item) => removes an item from the list if exists
- insertAtBegginning(item) => insert an item at the begginning of the list || same as insert(item, 0)
- Iterator => loop over the list data
- len(object) => get the list lenght
- isEmpty => property checks whether the list is empty or not
- getFirst => property gets the head element or the one at the first
- getLast => property gets the last element in the list
- insertAtBeggin(data) => insert data at the first
- insertAtEnd(data) => insert data at the end of the list
- insert(data, posotion: int) => insert data at any position
- deleteLast() => deletes only the last item
- deleteFirst() => deletes only the first item
- deleteData(data) => deletes the given data from the list
- isEmpty => property checks if tree is empty or not
- getRoot => property returns the root element
- getMin => property returns the minimum number
- getMax => property returns the maximum
- insert(data) => inserts number to the tree
- inOrderT(func=print) => looping over the tree in order for an action
- preOrderT(func=print) => looping over the tree pre order for an action
- postOrderT(func=print) => looping over the tree post order for an action ---Deletion empelemintation was not available during my year 2025---