Build an end-to-end application for abstractive document summarization on top of TensorFlow, Flink-AI-Extended [1] and Flink ML pipeline framework [2].
Document summarization is the process of shortening a text document in order to create a summary with the major points of the original document.
In general, a native Flink application will be built to serve an external document summarization application. In the training phase, a corpus with plenty of article-summary tuple will be fed as input to an estimator pipeline for training to produce a model pipeline. In the reference phase, the Flink application will use the trained model pipeline to serve the summarization request from external application, which take raw article as input and response the summary.
Inside the estimator pipeline, an abstract TF estimator will be created on top of Flink ML pipeline framework. The TF estimator is actually an untrained tensorflow model running in python, which use Flink-AI-Extended to connect to tensorflow. After fitting the corpus(or training), the estimator pipeline will be converted to a model pipeline. Similarly, a abstract TF Model will be created inside the model pipeline, which actually use trained model on tensorflow to execute transform function.
The design of the entire system is shown below:
Week1: Build an abstractive document summarization application on top of pure TensorFlow. Implements the ability to train models from the original corpus and generate summaries for new articles.
Week2: Encapsulate and call model’s training & inference function through Flink-AI-Extended
Week3: Integrate into the ML pipeline framework and train/inference/persist the model through pipeline
Week4: Build a simple WebUI, summarize & demo, make suggestions and improvements
Week5: buffer period
- Build a complete application, connect TensorFlow <—> Flink-AI-Extended <—> Flink ML pipeline framework. Lessons learned from the perspective of MLlib users and developers.
- Found the disadvantages of Flink-AI-Extended and ML pipeline in use, design and implementation
- Suggestions and practical improvements for the disadvantages
[1] Flink-AI-Extended: Extend deep learning framework on the Flink project
[2] Flink ML pipeline framework: A new set of ML core interface on top of Flink TableAPI
git clone
# Change dir form project root
cd data/cnn-dailymail
# This step will download '' from Google Drive,
# then unzip to 'data/cnn-dailymail/finished_files',
# finally remove ''
# Change dir form project root
cd log
# This step will download '' from Google Drive,
# then unzip to 'log/pretrained_model_tf1.2.1',
# finally remove ''
Python 2.7
Java 1.8
cmake >= 3.6
Maven >= 3.3.0
Follow the README from
Compiling commands will automatically install tensorflow 1.11.0
git clone
mvn -DskipTests=true clean install
Follow the README from
git clone
# switch to release-1.9 brach
mvn -DskipTests=true clean install
pip install nltk
# To install 'punkt' tokenizers,
# run follows once in Python:
import nltk'punkt')
Running examples in
public class TensorFlowTest {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TensorFlowTest.class);
private static final String projectDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
public static final String[] scripts = {
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
projectDir + "/src/main/python/pointer-generator/",
private static final String hyperparameter_key = "TF_Hyperparameter";
public static final String[] inference_hyperparameter = {
"", // first param is uesless but placeholder
"--data_path=" + projectDir + "/data/cnn-dailymail/cnn_stories_test/0*",
"--vocab_path=" + projectDir + "/data/cnn-dailymail/finished_files/vocab",
"--log_root=" + projectDir + "/log",
"--batch_size=4", // default to 16
public static final String[] train_hyperparameter = {
"", // first param is uesless but placeholder
"--data_path=" + projectDir + "/data/cnn-dailymail/finished_files/chunked/train_*",
"--vocab_path=" + projectDir + "/data/cnn-dailymail/finished_files/vocab",
"--log_root=" + projectDir + "/log",
"--batch_size=4", // default to 16
"--num_steps=10", // if 0, never stop
public void testModelInference() throws Exception {
TestingServer server = new TestingServer(2181, true);
StreamExecutionEnvironment streamEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(streamEnv);
Table input = tableEnv.fromDataStream(streamEnv.fromCollection(createArticleData()),
TFModel model = createModel();
Table output = model.transform(tableEnv, input);
tableEnv.toAppendStream(output, Row.class).print().setParallelism(1);
public void testModelTraining() throws Exception {
TestingServer server = new TestingServer(2181, true);
StreamExecutionEnvironment streamEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(streamEnv);
Table input = tableEnv.fromDataStream(streamEnv.fromCollection(createArticleData()),
TFEstimator estimator = createEstimator();, input);
private List<Row> createArticleData() {
List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
Row row = new Row(4);
row.setField(0, String.format("uuid-%d", i));
row.setField(1, String.format("article %d.", i));
row.setField(2, "");
row.setField(3, String.format("reference %d.", i));
return rows;
public static TFModel createModel() {
return new TFModel()
.setInferenceSelectedCols(new String[]{ "uuid", "article", "reference" })
.setInferenceOutputCols(new String[]{ "uuid", "article", "summary", "reference" })
.setInferenceOutputTypes(new DataTypes[] {DataTypes.STRING, DataTypes.STRING, DataTypes.STRING, DataTypes.STRING});
public static TFEstimator createEstimator() {
return new TFEstimator()
.setTrainSelectedCols(new String[]{ "uuid", "article", "reference" })
.setTrainOutputCols(new String[]{ "uuid"})
.setTrainOutputTypes(new DataTypes[]{ DataTypes.STRING })
.setInferenceSelectedCols(new String[]{ "uuid", "article", "reference" })
.setInferenceOutputCols(new String[]{ "uuid", "article", "summary", "reference" })
.setInferenceOutputTypes(new DataTypes[] {DataTypes.STRING, DataTypes.STRING, DataTypes.STRING, DataTypes.STRING});