Introduction Go to File
The U.S. Army has a continuing need to understand human and environmental health risks associated with military-relevant compounds (MRCs) and with movement off-site of range munition constituents (MCs). The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center is now developing a renewed product ⸺ the Fate and Risk Evaluation System for Contaminants (FRESCO™) ⸺ that builds on and updates the Training Range Environmental Evaluation and Characterization System (TREECS™, 2008-present) and the earlier Adaptive Risk Assessment Modeling System (ARAMS™, 2000-2007) to address the Army’s needs and further support the Operational Range Assessment Program.
FRESCO™ extends ARAMS™ and TREECS™ capabilities for modeling fate and transport of MRCs and MCs to establish media concentrations for comparison to risk-based screening levels (Level 1 risk assessment). The extended capabilities are being implemented in concert with modernization of the supporting data, the codebase ⸺ including the underlying Framework for Risk Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems (FRAMES) modeling framework developed at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) ⸺ and documentation to deliver a sustainable and reliable platform for MC/MRC risk assessment for the long term.
Project summary and Tasks Go to File
- Updating codebase for future maintainability
- Add new features
- Document
- Use of Github
- List tools and libraries
- Visual Studio (C#, limited C++)
- Installshield
- Modules with details
- Repositories
- Issues and Projects (LimnoTech/FRESCO repository
- Explain that some of the issues are bug reports, then list the issues [Word table], then reference the GitHub site
- Summarize status – x debug issues, % open/closed
- Explain that some of the issues are feature requests, then list those issues, then reference GitHub
- Installation package is an important issue that
- Summarize the status
- Explain that validation is running certain test cases in both TREECS (predecessor) and FRESCO to make sure results are the same.
- List the test cases
- Summarize status
Conclusion/Wrapup/End Note/Comment Go to File
- Summary of status overall
- Next steps
- Known deficiencies/limitations
- Some modules still to be converted from VB6 to C#