All scripts needed to reproduce simulation and empirical analyses in Paper to Come
: R scripts to simulate data, wrangle data, and produce figuresfigures/
: Figures from the paper produced by some of the above scriptsxmlTemplates/
: Template xml files for simulation studyempiricalAnalyses/
: Contains all xml templates and R scripts to analyse empirical datams
: Manuscript files
- If you want to reproduce the simulation study, clone the repo and add the following directories:
(stores backbaone trees)fasta/
(store simulated alignments)log/
(stores log files for individual analyses)xml/
(stores .xml files for individual analyses)
- Be sure to change
to the correct path for Seq-Gen in genTreesSeq.R
- Simulate Data
- genTreesSeq.R (simulateed alignments take ~50Gb of memory!)
- genXML.R
- BEAST v2 for each .xml in
. Ensure feast and BDMM-Prime are installed.
- Collect Data - The above all generate .RData files used in the following
- getPosteriors.R
- wassersteinClassification.R
- sitePatterns.R
- datePatterns.R
- combinePatternsAndWasserstein.R
- Other R scripts named after each figure in
should now produce figures