Project can be done in group (2-4 students). There will be presentation 4/6 December. You need to prepare a small report (1-2 pages) and a presentation (max 5 minutes). All of the group members should participate in the presentation.
- Train a new spaCy NER model for German (blank) using the GermaNER datasets - see Assignment-Option-1 folder.
- Load the existing German NER model from spaCy and update the model using the GermaNER dataset. Make sure to normalize entity types accordingly. For example, if the built-in entity type for person is PERSON but it is marked as PER in the GermaNER dataset, convert the GermaNER lable to PERSON. There are also some special "derivative" and "part" lables such as ORGpart and ORGderiv. How it will affect the the performance? if you normalize these types to a common one, example ORGpart and ORGderiv to ORG?
- Train and update the model using the train and dev dataset and test it with test dataset. Use the perl script provided to evaluate the performance. The test file will be provided on December 2
Note: You can ignore the last column from training and testing! For the evaluation purpose, you can re-use the gold labels.
The following snippet shows an example of the TSV format we use in this task.
1 Aufgrund O O
2 seiner O O
3 Initiative O O
4 fand O O
5 2001/2002 O O
6 in O O
7 Stuttgart B-LOC O
8 , O O
9 Braunschweig B-LOC O
10 und O O
11 Bonn B-LOC O
12 eine O O
13 große O O
14 und O O
15 publizistisch O O
16 vielbeachtete O O
17 Troia-Ausstellung B-LOCpart Ov
18 statt O O
19 , O O
20 „ O O
21 Troia B-OTH B-LOC
22 - I-OTH O
23 Traum I-OTH O
24 und I-OTH O
25 Wirklichkeit I-OTH O
26 “ O O
27 . O O
You have to use the provided scripts for the evaluation of your results. The Perl scripts can be executed for the NER classifier file as:
perl < your_classified_file
For executing the evaluation script, you need to have perl 5 installed. Copy the evaluation script and the file to be evaluated (here: eval-sample-d.tsv
) in the same directory.
Note: For the file to be evaluated, you can keep the outer column all as "O".
perl nereval.perl < eval-sample-d.tsv
> STRICT: Found: 10 outer and 5 inner phrases; Gold: 12 (outer) and 1 (inner).
> LOOSE: Found: 10 outer and 5 inner phrases; Gold: 12 (outer) and 1 (inner).
> 1. Strict, Combined Evaluation (official):
> Accuracy: 92.47%;
> Precision: 40.00%;
> Recall: 46.15%;
> FB1: 42.86
> 2. Loose, Combined Evaluation:
> Accuracy: 93.84%;
> Precision: 53.33%;
> Recall: 61.54%;
> FB1: 57.14
> 3.1 Per-Level Evaluation (outer chunks):
> Accuracy: 91.78%;
> Precision: 60.00%;
> Recall: 50.00%;
> FB1: 54.55
> 3.2 Per-Level Global Evaluation (inner chunks):
> Accuracy: 93.15%;
> Precision: 0.00%;
> Recall: 0.00%;
> FB1: 0.00