A project for Course : Computer Programming (2) “ CS181 ” presented to Dr. Abeer Alhujaylan
- Feda mousa
- leen mohammed
- mothla mohammed
- noura ibrahim
Since the college told us about the advancement of the final exams date, so you need to design a schedule that helps you to study for five hours a day. Each day you will study five courses. Write a program in C language to design your schedule for the next week, starting from Sunday till Saturday. Also, make the code answer your inquiries about the course that will be studied according to the specific day and time in each time you want to know.
Everyone knows the importance of sport in our life, as it helps maintain our health and get rid of life's stress. Walking is the easiest type of sport, so write a program in a C language that helps you finish daily user-defined steps. If you finish your daily steps, the program will print: “Wow, you did a great job!”. If you have not finished your steps, the program will print: “Ooops, you have not finished your daily steps! try tomorrow”.
After you finished your study and your daily exercise, you deserve some fun before you go to bed. Let's play the game: "Whoever reaches 20 first is a winner!" The rules of the game are as follows:
o The computer randomly determines who starts playing first.
o The computer randomly determines whether you are allowed to use one or two numbers.
o The player who reaches the number 20 is the winner and is congratulated by typing
the following sentence: “Congratulations! The first / second player is the winner!” As long as you are a programming genius, write a program in C language that simulates the previous game.
Write a C program that asks the user to enter a number and then suggest a meal for him randomly according to the number he entered each time. hints:
- 1 means breakfast
- 2 means lunch
- 3 means dinner
- 4 means snack