A robot to replicate the movements of a secondary manually-operated arm
A project to demonstrate the operation of a movement replicator robot based on embedded system FRDM-KL25Z from NXP (Freescale), while using FreeMASTER as a real-time monitoring software.
- Embedded System FRDM-KL25Z. Technical documentation available here: https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/freedom-development-boards/mcu-boards/freedom-development-platform-for-kinetis-kl14-kl15-kl24-kl25-mcus:FRDM-KL25Z.
- 1 non-COTs manual-operated robot with three articulations (3 DoF).
- 1 non-COTs automatic robot with three articulations (3 DoF).
- 3 TowerPro mini-servomotors.
- 1 mini-USB cable.
- 3 5kOhms potentiometers.
- Fixed 5V power supply.
- Jumpers, resistors, headers, LEDs and more basic workshop material.
- CodeWarrior IDE for programming the Embedded System FRDM-KL25Z.
- Processor Expert features. All project is programmed in C language.
- FreeMASTER (NXP, Freescale) for real-time monitoring of variables.
In the next video, some random and manual movements are realized over the manual-operated robot, and then, transmmitted to the automatic operated robot. As a matter of demonstration, these movements include single and multiple articulations at the same time. The screen on the right side is showing in real time the angle changes in the first robot's articulations.