title | tags | date | ||||||
Genetic Algorithm and Multi-Object Optimization |
2022-09-03 02:37:01 -0700 |
Genetic Algorithm(GA) is a widely used way to solve NP optimization problems. It simulates the natural process to get a approximately optimized result. Advantages of it contains simple, fast and so on, but it has the disadvantages many 'simulation algorithms' have, like local optimization, collapsing(or premature, typically) and so on.
- premature: the gene which performs better diffuses too fast to make other genes survive to try.
Multi-Objective Optimization(MOO) is a common kind of problem in real world, which has multiple object functions(probably non-linear) and constrains.
It has a basic 'template' math representation of:
Objects: \min_{x \in X}(f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., f_n(x))
The set
The codes below came from the reference above. And I will try to make a pythonic one. Commets in these matlab codes are explicit enough to understand.
%% Simple EMOO problem
% The objective is to find the pareto front of the MOO problem defined as follows:
% Maximize:
% f1(X) = 2*x1 + 3*x2
% f2(X) = 2/x1 + 1/x2
% such that:
% 10 > x1 > 20
% 20 > x2 > 30
% Author: Wesam Elshamy
% PhD candidate, Kansas State University
% welshamy@ksu.edu
% http://cis.ksu.edu/~welshamy
% Define parameters
iterations = 500;
population_size = 500;
mutation_rate = 0.02;
crossover_rate = 0.3;
population = zeros(population_size,3);
% Initialize population within constraints
for i = 1 : population_size
x1 = (rand*10 + 10); % x1 value for individual i within range
x2 = (rand*10 + 20); % x2 value for individual i within range
population(i,1) = x1;
population(i,2) = x2;
population(i,3) = 2*x1 + 3*x2; % f1 value for individual i
population(i,4) = 2/x1 + 1/x2; % f2 value for individual i
% Iterations
for iter = 1 : iterations
pool = population;
for i = 1 : population_size
% -------------- crossover ----------------
if (rand < crossover_rate)
parent1 = pool(randi(size(pool,1)),:); % randomly select parent1
parent2 = pool(randi(size(pool,1)),:); % randomly select parent2
child1 = [parent1(1) parent2(2) zeros(1,2)];
child2 = [parent1(2) parent2(1) zeros(1,2)];
pool = [pool; child1; child2];
% -------------- mutation ------------------
if (rand < mutation_rate)
individual = pool(randi(size(pool,1)),:); % randomly select individual from pool
bit = randi(2); % select gene to mutate
if (bit == 1)
individual(1) = rand*10 + 10; % value of mutation respects x1 constraints
individual(2) = rand*10 + 20; % value of mutation respects x2 constraints
individual(3:4) = zeros(1,2); % assign temporary fitness of zeros
pool = [pool; individual]; % add individual to pool
% fitness evaluation of the new individuals
for i = population_size+1 : size(pool,1)
pool(i,3) = 2*x1 + 3*x2;
pool(i,4) = 2/x1 + 1/x2;
temp_pop = [];
% select non dominated individuals to start next iteration with
for i = 1 : size(pool,1)
dominated = false;
for j = 1 : size(pool,1)
if (pool(i,3)<pool(j,3) && pool(i,4)<pool(j,4)) % if individual i is dominated by individual j
dominated = true;
break; % break and go to next individual
if (~dominated) % if individual not dominated
temp_pop = [temp_pop; pool(i,:)]; % add it to the pool
if (size(temp_pop,1) == population_size) % Have enough individuals to fill populatino array?
population = temp_pop;
% visualization of the results
disp('x1 and x2 values for non-dominated solutions:')
f = population(:,[3,4]); % store f1 and f2 values for the population in f
plot(f(:,1), f(:,2), 'x'); % plot the Pareto front
title({'Pareto front of: Max:', 'f_1(X) = 2x_1 + 3x_2', 'f_2(X) = 2/x_1 + 1/x_2'});
It is meant to learn to do MOO by GA using Python resembling the matlab codes above.
#Author: LeafLight
#Date: 2022-09-03 22:34:18
# Simple MOO
# the objective is to find the pareto front of the MOO defined as follows:
# Maxmize:
# f1(X) = 2 * x1 + 3 * x2
# f2(X) = 2 / x1 + 1 / x2
# such that:
# 10 < x1 < 20
# 20 < x2 < 30
# Reference: [MOO by GA using matlab](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29806-constrained-moo-using-ga-ver-2) by Wesam Elshamy
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import rand, randint, uniform
# number to iter(or evolution)
iterations = 500
# number of the population
population_size = 500
# probability to mutate
mutation_ = 0.02
# probability to cross over
crossover = 0.3
# parameters(genes) of popupation
# population_size * [x1, x2, f1, f2]
def obj_func(X):
f1 = 2 * X[0] + 3 * X[1]
f2 = 2 / X[0] + 1 / X[1]
return np.array([f1, f2])
def st(X):
const1 = X[0] > 10
const2 = X[0] < 20
const3 = X[1] > 20
const4 = X[1] < 30
return all([const1, const2, const3, const4])
low_bounds = [-40, -40]
up_bounds = [40, 40]
class GA:
def __init__(self, iterations=500, population_size=500, crossover=0.3, mutation=0.02, st_width=1e3, split_point=1,
var_num=2, obj_num=2, obj_func=obj_func, st=st, lb=low_bounds, ub=up_bounds, no_bounds=False):
# hyperparameters
self.iterations = iterations
self.population_size = population_size
self.crossover = crossover
self.mutation = mutation
self.st_width = st_width
# objective and constraints
self.var_num = var_num
self.obj_num = obj_num
self.obj_func = obj_func
self.lb = lb
self.ub = ub
self.st = st
self.no_bounds = no_bounds
def evolution(self, ):
# util func
def get_val_val():
# get valid value
while True:
if self.no_bounds:
X = rand(self.var_num) * 2 * self.st_width - self.st_width
X = uniform(self.lb, self.ub)
if self.st(X):
return X
# evolution main
population = np.zeros([self.population_size, self.var_num + self.obj_num])
# Init the population within constraints rand
init_pop_bar = tqdm(range(population_size))
init_pop_bar.set_description("Init Population")
for i in init_pop_bar:
population[i, :self.var_num] = get_val_val()
population[i, self.var_num:] = self.obj_func(population[i, :self.var_num])
print("Population Init complete !")
iter_p_bar = tqdm(range(self.iterations))
for it in iter_p_bar:
pool = population
# General Steps every iter.
## 0. init the pool
## 1. cross over
## 2. mutation
## 3. choose non-dominated individuals
for i in range(self.population_size):
# -------------------- Cross Over --------------------
if rand(1) < self.crossover:
# Choose 2 parents randomly
parent1 = pool[randint(self.population_size)]
parent2 = pool[randint(self.population_size)]
# Make children
child1_var = np.concatenate([parent1[:self.split_point], parent2[self.split_point:self.var_num]])
child2_var = np.concatenate([parent2[:self.split_point], parent1[self.split_point:self.var_num]])
child1_obj = self.obj_func(child1_var)
child2_obj = self.obj_func(child2_var)
child1 = np.concatenate([child1_var, child1_obj])
child2 = np.concatenate([child2_var, child2_obj])
# append children to the pool
pool = np.vstack([pool, np.vstack([child1, child2])])
# -------------------- Mutations --------------------
if rand(1) < self.mutation:
# randomly choose the one to mutate
individual_index = randint(self.population_size)
# randomly mutate gene
mutated_X = get_val_val()
# randomly mutate var index
mutated_bit = randint(self.var_num)
# mutate
pool[individual_index, mutated_bit] = mutated_X[mutated_bit]
# evaluate the fitness of the mutated individual
pool[individual_index, self.var_num:] = self.obj_func(pool[individual_index, :self.var_num])
# -------------------- Choose Non-dominated Individuals --------------------
# init the temp pool
temp_pool = np.zeros([self.population_size, self.var_num + self.obj_num])
# loop over all the individuals
non_dominated_cnt = 0
for p_focus in pool:
dominated = False
# to see if there is other individuals dominate it
for p_to_compare in pool:
if all(np.greater(p_to_compare[self.var_num:], p_focus[self.var_num:])):
dominated = True
# if it's non-dominated, add it to the temp pool
if ~dominated:
temp_pool[non_dominated_cnt] = p_focus
non_dominated_cnt += 1
if non_dominated_cnt == self.population_size:
population = temp_pool
print("###GA complete!###")
return population
if __name__ == '__main__':
ga = GA()
test_res = ga.evolution()