Integrated with ps-mdt
For all support questions, ask in our Discord support chat. Do not create issues on GitHub if you need help. Issues are for bug reporting and new features only.
- Download ZIP
- Make sure your qb-core is fully updated to the latest version.
- Drag and drop resource into your server files
- Start resource through server.cfg
- Drag and drop sounds folder into interact-sound\client\html\sounds
- Configure your language
- Restart your server.
Dispatch notifications are sent containing only the alert name, omitting additional details to help over populated servers. For more information, the dispatch menu can be accessed. Can be configured on Config.ShortCalls, false by default.

- Place this
setr ox:locale en
inside yourserver.cfg
- Change the
to your desired language!
Supported Languages:
Alias | Language Names |
en | English |
de | German |
nl | Dutch |
cs | Czech |
pt-br | Brazilian Portuguese |
es | Spanish |
- exports['ps-dispatch']:ArtGalleryRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:CarBoosting(vehicle)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:CarJacking(vehicle)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:CustomAlert()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:DeceasedPerson()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:DrugBoatRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:DrugSale()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:EmsDown()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:Explosion()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:Fight()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:FleecaBankRobbery(camId)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:HouseRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:HumaneRobery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:Hunting()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:InjuriedPerson()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:OfficerDown()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:OfficerBackup()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:OfficerInDistress()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:PacificBankRobbery(camId)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:PaletoBankRobbery(camId)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:PrisonBreak()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:Shooting()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:SignRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:SpeedingVehicle(vehicle)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:StoreRobbery(camId)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:SuspiciousActivity()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:TrainRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:UndergroundRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:UnionRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:VangelicoRobbery(camId)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:VanRobbery()
- exports['ps-dispatch']:VehicleShooting(vehicle)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:VehicleTheft(vehicle)
- exports['ps-dispatch']:YachtHeist()
Add the following into your alerts.lua
and change to your liking:
local function TestAlert()
local coords = GetEntityCoords(cache.ped)
local vehicle = GetVehicleData(cache.vehicle)
local dispatchData = {
message = locale('testalert'), -- add this into your locale
codeName = 'testalert', -- this should be the same as in config.lua
code = '10-35',
icon = 'fas fa-car-burst',
priority = 2,
coords = coords,
street = GetStreetAndZone(coords),
heading = GetPlayerHeading(),
vehicle =,
plate = vehicle.plate,
color = vehicle.color,
class = vehicle.class,
doors = vehicle.doors,
jobs = { 'leo' }
TriggerServerEvent('ps-dispatch:server:notify', dispatchData)
exports('TestAlert', TestAlert)
Add codeName in config.lua
for the particular robbery to display the blip
["testalert"] is the codename you passed with the TriggerServerEvent in step 1
['testalert'] = { -- Need to match the codeName in alerts.lua
radius = 0,
sprite = 119,
color = 1,
scale = 1.5,
length = 2,
sound = 'Lose_1st',
sound2 = 'GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset',
offset = false,
flash = false
Information about each parameter is in the alerts.lua
There are no calls showing on dispatch or mdt list.
Make sure you have a job type specified in your qbcore/shared/jobs.lua like:
Make sure that you're using the correct job type as leo and make sure your qb-core is fully updated to the latest version.
On shared/config.lua make set Config.Debug = true to test calls as police officer.(ONLY to be used as testing, make sure to disable on live production)
How to change colors of the calls?
- Priority 1 is red and priority 2 is normal on the config.
To increase the time that calls are shown on the screen, do the following:
- Find the "alerts.lua" file in the client folder.
- Open this file with a text editor or a development tool like Visual Studio Code.
- Look for the code "alertTime = nil".
- Replace "nil" with the number of seconds you want the calls to display. For example, setting "alertTime = 25" means calls will be shown for 25 seconds.