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Urban Cowboy edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 11 revisions

What is the use of life without the development of virtue? Your choices define you. So the Jedi refine their choices towards virtue. You could say it's her/his personal gesture to the the Force. Life tends towards entropy and chaos otherwise, so the Jedi-warrior cultivates it.

A Jedi accepts no title other than theirself. If s/he is accepts a title, it is only an honorific conferred by the State, not anything more. Hence the Jedi gives a name to their apprentices, dissolving their ties with family and personal history.

If an accepted apprentice is an heir to fortune, they must give that up by the time they are given a name by their master. After that, all material holdings go to the Jedi order for the explicit and accountable purposes of acquiring equipment conducive to the aims of the highest good and the Order itself, much like the immune system`s "killer" cells that are dispatched wherever they are needed.

If the Order gets a jet aircraft, they will have to learn to fly it themselves, for the Jedi rely on no one but the Spirit and each other.

A name is conferred to their apprentices to retain an imprint of their master, for they had to master the student, turning them into a Jedi. Otherwise, there are no other karmic bonds from master to apprentice nor obligation thereafter. The one who confers the name is considered the steward of the apprentice, even though there may be many teachers.

They must SPEND any inherited wealth from their apprentices on equipment or other things the market produces. In other words, the Jedi is not allowed to accumulate wealth -- that is their trade with the Public for the ability to kill without oversight.

Without virtue, order turns into oppression. Virtue develops the heart, mind, and soul to new levels of Being. Mastery of Virtue is one of the four corners to being a Jedi.

The Catholics list the virtues/vices thus:
  • Faith/lust
  • Hope/envy,
  • Charity/sloth,
  • Prudence/pride,
  • Justice/averice,
  • Temperance/gluttony,
  • Fortitude/anger.
Faith can be turned into trust in the Force which is affiliated to the Beingness of YHVH himself. "Hope" into belief in each other.

Aristotle listed 12 virtues:

  1. Courage – bravery and valor
  2. Temperance – self-control and restraint
  3. Liberality – bigheartness, charity and generosity
  4. Magnificence – radiance, joie de vivre
  5. Pride – self-satisfaction; ehh, probably not...
  6. Honor – respect, reverence, admiration
  7. Good Temper – equanimity, level headedness; duplicate?
  8. Friendliness – conviviality and sociability
  9. Truthfulness – straightforwardness, frankness and candor
  10. Wit – sense of humor – meaninglessness and absurdity
  11. Friendship – camaraderie and companionship
  12. Justice – impartiality, evenhandedness and fairness

cf. Socrates talks of virtue
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