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Marxos edited this page Aug 5, 2023 · 66 revisions

This roadmap has been approved by Mr. Durden. --Marcos (LeFreq)


"Master your tools, or they will master YOU." -- Hacker Ethos

The transition from doughboy/femmebot to enlightened warrior takes a little strategy. Queue music...

First you have to ask: is it important enough for you? Is it more important than having that trophy wife/husband, a comfortable salary with all the perks, the secret endgame for Skyrim, a new Tesla? If it is, then you're ready. If not, you should explore those other options all of the way until the joy runs out and then return. We want your undivided attention here.

One could say that the path to enlightenment takes no volunteers. Many who volunteer have their own agendas in mind and already under some ego program that takes a lot of energy to correct. The dedicated master may or may not be willing to give this energy. But you found this place for a reason. Perhaps you've gotten jaded and fed up by the existing power structures. Good. One has to be dedicated because there too many "masters" that will want your time and attention. Masters of business strategy, GOD, politics, whatever -- these are all masters of the hustle. And you know it because of what they've achieved with their "mastery" (nothing).

The path of the enlightened warrior is different from any path that you know. The closest path that comes to mind is a Marine grunt or Navy seal -- dedicated, loyal, precision-tuned, and ready. Or high-degree black belt. But that only gets you half of the way. To be a perfect marksman, fighter and a strategist at war is hardly anything to the enlightened warrior, for the master has already fought all of her battles. They are no longer trying to out-best anyone because the master has already mastered herself.

The enlightened master is being churned and tuning her mind, body, and spirit to the transcendental. You can't best the enlightened master. Like a Jedi, they are in tune with everything.

She lives in harmony with life, not against it. She is a Jedi. He is a Jedi. She depends on nothing that she couldn't make herself and he doesn't take or possess anything that he doesn't need. A master of efficiency, knowledge, and poise.

The enlightened warrior is flawless.

Step #1: Control.

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