The Codebase and documentation for Hackiethon 2024
Backend repo:
Go to Submissions and create a new bot
Get code from and paste it into the new bot file
Select PRIMARY_SKILL and SECONDARY_SKILL (see skills in documentation below)
Edit get_move() function to create your bot
Video Here
- Clone repo
- Open XCode Project (Update XCode if necessary)
- In Resources/Data/StreamingAssets/Round_1, update the p1.json, p2.json and round.json files
- Run game
- In Resources/Data/StreamingAssets/Round_1, update the p1.json, p2.json and round.json files
- Run the .exe file ("Hackieton Windows/Hackethon_FrontEnd.exe")
Video Here
Ensure that bot codes work
Set PATH1 and PATH2 in to the filenames of your bots (excluding .py)
Run python Game/
OR python3 Game/
(depending on your python version)
There should be json files outputted into "Hackiethon2024Backend/jsonfiles"
Move the json files to:
Windows: “Hackieton Windows/Hackethon_FrontEnd/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets/Round_1”
Mac (Silicon/Intel): "Hackiethon Mac Intel/Hackethon_FrontEnd/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets/Round_1"
Ensure that this is done before running the front end
For Mac users, build the project using Xcode to visualise
Mac Intel: "Hackiethon Mac Intel/Hackiethon Mac Intel.xcodeproj"
Mac Silicon: "Hackiethon Mac Sillicon/Hackiethon Mac Sillicon.xcodeproj"
For windows users, run "Hackiethon Windows/Hackethon_FrontEnd.exe".
Use alt-tab and close the window to stop running the executable.
The tournament will follow a bracket-style format where teams control characters using ai who will engage in one-on-one battles.
- There are three ways to win a match:
- Knockout: Defeat the opponent by reducing their character's health to zero.
- Time Limit: If the match reaches the time limit, the player with more remaining health wins.
- Coin Flip: If both players have the same amount of health when the time runs out, the winner will be determined by a coin flip.
Each player has 100 hp which does not regenerate unless a player has the “meditate” skill,
Actions are taken in intervals called "ticks" or turns. During each tick, players have the opportunity to perform actions unless they are incapacitated by being stunned. Unlike traditional fighting games, there is no initial delay before actions can be taken. However, certain moves may have a built-in cooldown for balance purposes.
The time limit is 60 seconds with each player having 120 ticks per game
These actions are common for all characters
- All movements have priority, meaning that characters will always move first before an attack can land
- Jump : moves the character up by 1 Y-position, then back to the original position, taking 3 ticks in total
- Jump forward : moves the character up by 2 X-positions and 1 Y-position, moving in an arc and landing 3 X-positions forward on the ground, taking 3 ticks total
- Jump backwards: similar to jump forward, but backwards
- Move forward/back : moves character forward or back by 1 X-Position, takes 1 tick
JUMP = ("move", (0,1))
FORWARD = ("move", (1,0))
BACK = ("move", (-1,0))
JUMP_FORWARD = ("move", (1,1))
JUMP_BACKWARD = ("move", (-1, 1))
return BACK
startup: int,
cooldown: int,
damage: int,
xRange: int,
vertical: int,
blockable: bool,
knockback: int,
stun: int
Startup: 0
Cooldown: 1
Damage: 3
Horizontal Range: 1
Vertical Range: 0
Blockable: True
Knockback: 0
Stun: 0
Recovery: 0
0, 1, 3, 1, 0, True, 0, 0, 0
Startup: 0
Damage: 5
Horizontal Range: 1
Vertical Range: 0
Blockable: True
Knockback: 1
Stun: 2
Recovery: 1
0, 3, 5, 1, 0, True, 1, 2, 1
Cooldowns start counting down at the end of the tick, so a movement with a cooldown of 1 can be used rapid succession, while moves with a cooldown of 2 take 1 extra tick before they can be used. Hint: Use the get cooldown functions in the doc to check cooldowns
Combo attack - If the previous two moves were light attacks, the next light or heavy attack will deal increased damage, knockback and stun
LIGHT = ("light",)
HEAVY = ("heavy",)
return LIGHT
When a character is blocking, they gain a shield with a certain amount of shield HP
Shield HP will absorb the damage a character would take, and their knockback and stun are reduced to 0.
If a character blocks continuously and accumulates more damage than their shield HP, they will be stunned for some time.
BLOCK = ("block",)
return BLOCK
A parry occurs when a character starts blocking on the same tick they would be hit by an attack (does not include projectiles). A successful parry by the character stuns the enemy for a short period of time.
All primary and secondary skills have cooldowns, which vary based on the potency of the skill for game balance. Movement and blocking do not have cooldowns. Light attacks do not have a cooldown, but heavy attacks have a short cooldown so as to disincentivize spamming them.
There are 4 parameters available for the player to use.
- Player (the player’s class)
- Enemy (the enemy’s class)
- Player_projectiles (list of projectiles player have spawned)
- Enemy_projectiles (list of projectiles enemy have spawned)
These functions can be accessed from ScriptingHelp/
Function | Description |
def get_hp(player) | Gets player HP |
def get_distance(player, enemy) | Gets the distance in x-coord between player and enemy |
def get_pos(player) | Gets position (x,y) of player |
def get_last_move(player) | Gets the most recent move from player |
def get_stun_duration(player) | Gets the current stun duration for a player |
def get_block_status(player) | If the player is currently blocking, get the current shield HP, else return 0 |
def get_proj_pos(proj) | Gets the position (x,y) of a projectile |
def primary_on_cooldown(player) | Checks if the player's primary skill is on cooldown |
def secondary_on_cooldown(player) | Checks if the player's secondary skill is on cooldown |
def heavy_on_cooldown(player) | Checks if the player's heavy attack is on cooldown |
def prim_range(player) | Gets the range of a player's primary skill, if it is a damaging skill, else return 0 |
def seco_range(player) | Gets the range of a player's secondary skill, if it is a projectile skill, else return 0 |
def get_past_move(player, turns) | Gets the player's past move {turns} turns ago |
def get_recovery(player) | Gets the player's current recovery duration |
def skill_cancellable(player) | Checks if the player can cancel their current skill |
def get_primary_skill(player) | Gets the name of the player's primary skill |
def get_secondary_skill(player) | Gets the name of the player's secondary skill |
def get_projectile_type(proj) | Gets the name of the projectile |
def get_primary_cooldown(player) | Gets the cooldown duration of a player's primary skill |
def get_secondary_cooldown(player) | Gets the cooldown duration of a player's primary skill |
Call the function like this: get_hp(player) or get_hp(enemy) Example: if get_hp(enemy) < 30: return FORWARD
This is the main file which calls functions from every other file Responsible for ensuring that player actions are validated At every tick: Updates player and projectiles positions Manages various player parameters Appends relevant information to json output files for Unity side
This is where the logic for skills and actions are When an action is input, the action is passed to the relevant function in playerActions Then updates to player HP, block, knockback, stun etc is calculated and returned
Contains the Skills superclass and various skills subclasses Various skill parameters such as damage, cooldown, range are set here Important subclass: AttackSkill It is the superclass for all damaging skills and projectiles Auxiliary file to Contains subclasses for various projectile skills Contains the ProjectileSkill superclass
Contains functions that correct player position, validate movement and player orientation Also contains a function to print player info for debugging
Contains functions that are called every turn Such as cooldown management, midair movement management, projectile movement and buff duration management Also includes json writing functions for the Unity side
Contains various parameters for a player character, such as HP, position, list of moves, stun etc Also contains a range of get functions that return said parameters
This is where the user will write their bots.
Use this to initialize your primary and secondary skills
For example, Teleport and Hadoken are chosen to be the skills
PRIMARY_SKILL = TeleportSkill
Then this function will be called by the GameManager to initialize the player’s skills.
def init_player_skills():
This is the main function, which will be called every turn by the GameManager, to get the next move from the player
def get_move(player, enemy, player_projectiles, enemy_projectiles):
Information about the player, enemy, player and enemy projectiles (if any) are passed to the function from the GameManager. The user should use information from these sources to build conditionals that allow them to choose the next best move. This information can be fetched from the get functions mentioned in the Parameters section.
init_player_skills must NOT be modified, and the file MUST have the get_move function. Additional functions can be defined, just ensure that get_move returns an action.
Set primary and secondary skills Make sure init_player_skills and get_move functions both exist and parameters unchanged Make sure get_move returns an action
Orders of actions Non-damaging actions, such as movement, blocking and non-damaging skills, take effect first, allowing for characters to dodge or parry attacks. Then actions or skills that do damage, including projectiles, take effect afterwards Then finally, all currently existing projectiles move one step along their paths. In other words: Movement/block/buffing skills -> attacks/damage skills -> projectile movement You can always block or jump away from attacks
Moves to be selected by players - Players can select 1 primary and 1 secondary ability
Terms | Description |
Startup | The number of startup ticks |
Cooldown | Number of cooldown ticks |
Damage | Damage dealt |
Horizontal Range | How many xcoord the ability will affect |
Vertical Range | How many ycoord the ability will affect |
Blockable | Boolean of whether ability can be blocked |
Knockback | Horizontal distance enemy is moved after being hit |
Stun | How many stun ticks enemy is stunned for upon being hit by ability |
Travel Range | Range a projectile can travel before it disappears or does its unique trait |
get_primary_skill() and get_secondary_skill returns the skill name, e.g "hadoken"
Skill | Teleport |
Description | Instantly moves the character a certain distance (6 units) away from the enemy |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 6 |
Horizontal Range | 10 |
Vertical Range | 0 |
Damage | N/A |
Horizontal Range | N/A |
Vertical Range | N/A |
Blockable | N/A |
Knockback | N/A |
Stun | N/A |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "teleport" |
Skill | Meditate |
Description | Heals character for 20 HP. |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 20 |
Damage | N/A |
Horizontal Range | N/A |
Vertical Range | N/A |
Blockable | N/A |
Knockback | N/A |
Stun | N/A |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "meditate" |
Skill | Dash Attack |
Description | Instantly moves the character a certain distance in the direction towards the enemy, dealing medium damage if the dash hits the enemy |
Startup | 1 |
Cooldown | 7 |
Damage | 5 |
Horizontal Range | 5 |
Vertical Range | 0 |
Blockable | False |
Knockback | 1 |
Stun | 0 |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "dash_attack" |
Unique trait | Dash attack can dash through players and projectiles, but can be counted by the other player also using a dash attack at the same time |
Skill | Uppercut |
Description | Medium damage attack that hits airborne enemies |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 5 |
Damage | 7 |
Horizontal Range | 1 |
Vertical Range | 1 |
Blockable | True |
Knockback | 2 |
Stun | 2 |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "uppercut" |
Description | Slow, significant damage attack that breaks shields with great knockback and stun |
Startup | 1 |
Cooldown | 10 |
Damage | 20 |
Horizontal Range | 1 |
Vertical Range | 0 |
Blockable | False |
Knockback | 4 |
Stun | 3 |
Recovery | 2 |
Skill name | "onepunch" |
Skill | Hadoken |
Description | Basic projectile that does medium damage if it hits an enemy along its path |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 10 |
Damage | 10 |
Travel Range | 7 |
Vertical Range | 0 |
Blockable | True |
Knockback | 2 |
Stun | 2 |
Skill name | "hadoken" |
Description | Travels forwards, then back towards the character who casted it, dealing medium damage to the enemy upon being hit |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 14 |
Damage | 8 |
Travel Range | 5 |
Vertical Range | 0 |
Blockable | True |
Knockback | 2 |
Stun | 2 |
Skill name | "boomerang" |
Skill | Grenade |
Description | Initially travels upwards and forwards in an arc, exploding and dealing damage at the end of the arc |
Travel path | 3 x-coord and 1 y-coord from cast position |
Damage | Explodes after 3 ticks and damages in an 3x3 area |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 12 |
Damage | 20 |
Travel Range | 3 |
Vertical Range | 1 |
Blockable | False |
Knockback | 3 |
Stun | 3 |
Time-to-live | 3 |
Skill name | "grenade" |
Skill | Bear Trap |
Description | Travels forward a short distance and stays at that position, deals damage to the enemy if they step on it after it travels (1 tick of travel) |
Travel range | 2 x-coords from cast position |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 15 |
Damage | 10 |
Travel Range | 1 |
Vertical Range | 0 |
Blockable | False |
Knockback | 0 |
Stun | 3 |
Time-to-live | 10 |
Skill name | "beartrap" |
Collision Priorities Certain projectiles are stronger than and can destroy other projectiles. The priorities are Hadoken/Boomerang > Bear Trap > Grenade So Hadoken/Boomerang can destroy each other, bear trap and grenade
Skill | Super Saiyan |
Description | Increases the strength of the character for a certain duration |
Super Saiyan State | Double attack strength |
Duration | 20 ticks |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 40 |
Damage | N/A |
Horizontal Range | N/A |
Vertical Range | N/A |
Blockable | N/A |
Knockback | N/A |
Stun | N/A |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "super_saiyan" |
Description | Player gains armour which makes players take less damage and makes player invulnerable to stun and knockback. |
Duration | 20 ticks |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 40 |
Damage | N/A |
Horizontal Range | N/A |
Vertical Range | N/A |
Blockable | N/A |
Knockback | N/A |
Stun | N/A |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "super_armor" |
Skill | Super Jump |
Description | Allows Player to jump higher |
Duration | 20 ticks |
Startup | 0 |
Cooldown | 30 |
Damage | N/A |
Horizontal Range | N/A |
Vertical Range | N/A |
Blockable | N/A |
Knockback | N/A |
Stun | N/A |
Recovery | 0 |
Skill name | "jump_boost" |
Certain skills will be locked during the tournament bracket on 24 Mar 2024 (Sunday). You can only gain access to these skills through winning mini-games on 23 Mar 2024 (Saturday), and we will be making sure only people who have access to them can use them. These skills are: One Punch, Super Armor and Boomerang.