A decentralized advertising platform that revolutionizes digital advertising by rewarding users with cryptocurrency for engaging with ads. Our platform enables companies to boost their ad engagement while providing value back to users.
- Decentralized Advertising: Direct connection between advertisers and users
- Crypto Rewards: Users earn cryptocurrency for engaging with advertisements
- Company Dashboard: Easy product and ad management interface
- Embeddable Ad Links: Generate and share ad links across various platforms
- Transparent Tracking: Monitor engagement and performance metrics
- Secure Transactions: Built-in wallet system for seamless reward distribution
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Blockchain integration
- privy
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- Vite
- shadcn/ui components
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- npm
- Crypto wallet (MetaMask recommended)
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Laxical/Publicit.git
- Install backend dependencies:
cd back
npm install
- Install frontend dependencies:
cd ../frontend
npm install
- Start the backend server:
cd back
npm run start
- Start the frontend development server:
cd frontend
npm run dev
- Register your company on the platform
- Add products and create ad campaigns
- Generate embeddable ad codes
- Any websites can use these embedded links in their website
- Distribute rewards automatically
- Connect your crypto wallet
- Engage with advertisements
- Earn crypto rewards automatically
- Track your earnings in real-time
- Secure wallet integration
- Authentication system
- Transaction limitation using privy policies
This platform involves cryptocurrency transactions. Please ensure compliance with your local regulations regarding cryptocurrency usage and advertising.